Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/172

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170 SOMERSET. Pari, by writs ;". Nov. (1398) 22 Ric II to 30 Sep. (1399), 1 Hen. IV, sod his wife, under the style of Miirvltioors of Itorstt, was one of tile Ladies for whom UarteT robes were provided ;it the fe;ist of that order in 1309, He was, however, iegradtHf) from the MMVHetitti (i Oct. 1399) by Pari. (1 Hen. IV) and was ever afterwards considered (only) as Earl of Somerset. The Commons, however, petitioned the King (i Nov. 1402, to rest ire him to the name and rank of Marquess, but he himself was opposed to their request, on the ground of the name being strange or foreign [" etlrange "] in this realui;' 1 , 1 anil nothing further was done in the matter. He was Admiral of the Fleet, north and west, and Warden of the ('in. pie Ports 1398-99. At the coronation of Hen. IV. 1:! Out. 1399, he, as t'nrl. Was Bearer pi the Second Sword and Carver : and in Nov. 1399 was made Great Chamberlain of England for life ; P.C. 1401 : ('apt. of the town of ('.dais. 1 101 ; and a second time Admiral of the north and west. 1400-7. He m . before 23 April 1399, Margaret, nist'T and coheir of Edmund (Holand) Eahl oh K ext. da. of Thomas, E.uu. or Kent, by Alice, da. of Richard (Fit/.alax Emil w Aiiimoi. lie-/, on Palm Sunday, 21 April 1110, and was bur. in Canterbury cathedral. M.I. ej His widow m., in HU. Thomas (Plastaubnet), IH'KK 0? ('i.aiikXcK. who il. s.o. legit. 22 Maivh 1421, being slain at the battle of lleauge. She d. 30 Dec. 1429, and was bur. with both her husbands, as afsd. M.l.(°) Earldom. g, [[enry ( Ukackort), Karl ok Somerset, 1st s. and IT 141C •(' ,d ° ut - l m i Henry IV, being his godfather. He d. unm. 25 Nov. 141S, aged 17. III. 1418. 3 and /. John (Beaufort), Eahl of Somerset, next Dukedom. br. and h. ; b. shortly before 25 March 1 101 ; sue. his brother 23 Nov. 1418; was taken prisoner at the battle of lleauge, 22 March 1421, I. 1443, and not released till Dee. 1 437, being knighted soon afterwards ntid t„ made K.G. about 1430 ; Lieut. Gen. of Auuitaiue 1443 ; ami was cr. 1444. 2 s Aug. 1**8, EAKL OF KENDAL and DUKE OF SOMERSET. He hi. in or before 1 440, Margaret, widow of Sir Oliver St. J0B8,(*) sister and h. of John, and da. of Sir John BgAUCHASIP, of Bletsoe, co. Bedford {lie jure, apparently, Loud Bkavchami') by Edith, da. of Sir John KmntTON. of Preston, Wilts. He d. 27 May 1414 " by his own hand, it is said, being unable to brook the disgrace of banishment from court, which his quarrel with the government had brought upon hiui."( B ) He was bur. at Wimboine Minster. M.I.(") At hie death the Dukedom of Somerset and the i'arldom of Kendal became extinct, but the Earldom of Somerset (cr. 1397) devolved as below. Will pr. Nov. 1448, at Lambeth. His widow m. as his second wife, Lionel (de Wellks), Loud Welles, who was slain at Towton, on the Lancastrian side, in 1401. (») At the same date John (Holand) Duke of Kent ; Edward (Plantagenet), Duke of Albemarle [afterwards, 1402, Duke of York] and Thomas (Holand), Duke of Surrey, were similarly degraded, and it is suggested by " Sandford " that it was in consequence of the King's wish that this creation " should fall in the company of those erected at the same time, by the deposed King," and not from any ill-feeling against the Marquess himself that this degradation was made. He bad, however, beeu one of the accusers of Thomas, Duke of Gloucester. (b) See vol. iii, p. 140, note "g," sub "Dorset," ( c ) Engraved in Gough's "Sepulchral Monuments" ■ as also in "Sandford"; the Lady being placed between her two husbands. () His eldest sister, Joan, m. King James I. [S.], und was wounded in defending him from his murderers in Feb. 1436, (°) See vol. i, p. 277, note " g," sub " Beauebamp." ( r ) His only da. and h., Margaret, m. in 1455, Edmund (Tudor), Earl of Richmond, and was mother of Henry VII, iwbom she survived, but who, nevertheless, chose to regard himself to be, in right of her, heir to the Kings of the House of Laucnster. (8) Nat. Bimjr. above.