Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/302

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300 Sl T FFIELI> — SITFOLK. George (Venadles-Vkrnon), 2d BaRON Vkrnon of Kindektiik, by his second wife, Georgian.!. da. of William Fanqfikii. She, who was 6. 9 Jan. 1 7SS, it. 30 Sep. 1?24, at Gunton, and was fair, there. Will pr. 1S24. He mi. secondly, 12 Sep. 1826, at St Gen. Han. Sq„ Emily Harriett, yst. da. of Evelyn Shirley, of Eatington, co. Warwick, by PhyDia Byam. da. of Clutrlton Wollaston. He d. at his residence, Vernon House, Park Place, St. Jatnea (from injuries received by a fall from his hone on Constitution RUl,(a) a few days before) 0 ami was bur. 1C July 1S35, nt Guuton, aged 53. Will pr. Aug. I8S5. ' His widow, who was /). 20 Dec.' 1799 ami hap. S Jan. 1S00 at Lower Eatington, (/. 3 Jan. 1SS1, at Weymouth, aged M. IV. 1835. 4- Edwabu Vehnon (Harbord), Baros Sukfieud, 1st s and h. by first wife ; b. at Hampton Court, 1!' June 1S13, and btp. at St Geo., Han. sq. ; Jd. at Ktotl and at Ch. Ch., Oxford ! matric 2S May 1S31 ; sue. to the pierage, &e., 10 July 1833. He PR. 1 Sep. 1835, at. Clievening, Co. Kent. Charlotte Susannah, only da. of Alan Hyde (GaRDNER), 2d BaRON Gardner ok Utto.xeter, by his second wife, Charlotte, da. uf Robert (SMITH ), 1*1 BaROK CaRRIKOTOK OK L'PTON. He il. s.p. at Clinton park, 22 Aug. 1853, aged 40. and was fiur. at Gunton. Admou. May 1854< which was revoked and will pr. July 1855. His widow, //. 29 Dee. 1810, was a Lady in Waiting, 1352, to H U H. the Duchess of Cambridge, and </. 15 Aug. 1S59, aged 48, in Upper Grosvenor street, being our. nt Gayhurst, co. Bucks. V. 1853. 5. Chaelks (Harbord), Karon Supfibw [1786], aim n llaronct [1 74li], hr. (of the half-blood ) and h . being 4th s.() of the 2d Baron, and 1st s. by his second wife; was A. 2 Jan. 1830, at Gunton, and baf. there : sometime, 1847-57, an offieer 7th Hussars; sue. to the peerage, Sc., 22 Aug. 1853; Lieut. Col. Norfolk Rifle Vols.. 1 Sti3, and Hon. Col., ISli'i ; Lieut. Col. com. Norfolk Art. Militia, 1S05 ; a Lord in Waiting, 1S0S-72 ; l.'.rd of the Bedchamber to the Prince of Wales, 1872; K.C.B. ( civil) 1870; B.C.. 1386; Master of tin- buck- hounds, Feb. to Aug. 1888 : Aiih-de-Cuinp to the (Jlieen. 1891. lie m. I May ]S54, at St. Geo. Hall. sq.. Cecilia Amietta, sister of Edmund Charles. 1st Baron Ur.vw.sToKi, and of Evelyn, 1st BaRON Cuo.mek, da. of Henry Baiunc. i.f Cromer Hall, co. Norfolk, by his secon.l wife, Cecilia Anne, da. of Vice Admiral William WlNDHAM. She was 1>. in Madeira 27 Feb. and bap. 5 Aug. 1S32 at Felbrigg.=f A Family Estates.— These, in 1883, consisted of 11,828 acres in Norfolk, worth .115,071 a year. Principal Scat. — Guutou park, uear Norwich. SUFFOLK. ["In a convention entered into between Kino John anil his Ilarnns, Roger Biuod, then Karl of Norfolk, is styled Karl of Norfolk and Suflblk ; this is probably to be attributed to the same circumstances which led to the Earl of ljurset being called likewise Earl of Somerset " (Courtliopc)]. Earldom. %, Robert (de Ufford), Lord Ufford,( c ) 2d but 1st I 1 337 sl " v.( l1 ) s. and h. of Robert, 1st Loud Ufford (so cr. by writ 13 Jan. ' 1308/9, who d. 1310 aged 37), by Cicely, yr. da. and coheir of Robert dh Valoines, of Hickling, co. Norfolk, was b. 9 Aug. 1298 ; sue. his father 9 Sep. 1316, being Knighted shortly afterwards ; was in close attendance 01) ( a ) it may be noted that he met his death in the same fashion and almost in the same place as did the well known Sir Robert l'eel, fifteen years subsequently. (») Hon. Alfred Assheton Harbord, an officer in the army, 2d s. of the 2d Baron (by his 1st wife), b. 29 Jan. 1819, and bap. at St. Geo., Han. aq. ; </. unm. 9 June 1841, at Mynpoorie in India, and was bur. there; Hon. Arthur Harbord, the 3d s. (1st by 2d wife), b. 3 Aug. 1827, and bap. at St. Geo. afsd., d. next year 13 July 1828, and was bur. there. («) See note, sub " afford " for accounts of that family by R. E. Chester Waters and G. S. S. [i.e., G. S. Steinman]. ( d ) William, lsts. and h. an., was living 1311, butt/, v.p. before 1310. The 5th of the six sous of this Robert was Sir Ralph de Ufford, who was a man of note as Justiciar} of Ireland, where he ruled with a strong hand. He was husband of Maud, Du»'.