Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/315

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SUFFOLK. 313 ns bur. 20 Dec. 1681, at Waldcn, aged 59. He m. thirdly (Lie. Fac, 17 May 1632), Anne.C) 1st da. of Hubert i MoNT.vur), oil Kaiil B* Manchester, by Anne, da. (if Sir Christopher Yki.vekton. Ho d, s.p.m.s. 7 and was bur. 17 Jan. 16SS/9. at Walden, in his 09th year, when tho Barony of Howard dc Waldcn (cr. in ISB7) /iW i»<«  abei/ancc between his two daughters and coheir* (see that dignity). Will dat. 10 July 1688, pr. 10 K. l<- 1688/9. His widow, who waa aged 22 in" 16S2. d. s.p. 18 and was bur. 2u Oct. 1720, at Waldon. Will pr. 1721. [Jambs Howard, styled Lord Walden, s. and h. aji. by fitst wife, & an infant, and was bur. 30 May 1014, at Walden]. XII. 1689; 4- George (Howard), Earl of Suffolk, next suit, br. and h. male, being 3d s. (if tho 2d Karl,( h ) about 1625 ; was a capt. in the service nf Holland, 1640 ; Master of the Horse, 1047, and Gent, of the Bed- chamber, 164S, to H.K.I1. the Duke of York ; sue. to the peerage (i.e., to the Earldom only'. 7 Jan. 1 688. 9. He hi. firstly Catharine, da. of John Ai.I.EYNK, of Morbanger, in Blunbam, Hods, Ho m. secondly, after July 1CS3, Anne, widow of James CoWPER, da. of Juhn Wroth, of Loughton, Essex, by Elizabeth, da. of William (Maynaru), 1st BARON MaYNard OF Estainis. He d. s.p.m. 21 April, and was bur. 1 Hay 1691, at Walden. Admou. 23 June 1691 , and 6 Nov. 1701. His widow if. s.p. and was bur- 2S July 1710, in the vault of tho Wroth family at Enfield, Midx. Will dat. 25 May 170S, pr. 21 July 1710. XI I T. 1691. 5, Henry (Howard), Karl of Suffolk, next br. and hi male, being 4th s. of tho 2d Karl ; (wp. 18 July 1027, at St. Martin's in the fields ; was Commissary Gen. of the Hunter*, 1 006 ; sue. to the peerage, 21 April 1091. He in. firstly, before 1070, Mary, da. and h. of Andrew (STEWART), 3d BaRo.n Casti.e Stewart [. by Joyce, da. and h. of Sir Arthur Bllnoei.l, of lilundellstown, in Kind's County. He w. secondly 22 Nov. 1691 (Lie. Vic. Gen.), alary, widow of Sir John Maynaiid, Sergeant at Law, and formerly of Charles Vermuyden, M.D., 1st da. of the Rev. Ambrose UPTOS, Canon of Oh, Ch., Oxford, by Mary da. of Francis OhaRI.ETon, of Apley Castle, co. Salop. He d. at Gunnesbury, in Ealing, Midx., 10 ami waa bur. 22 Nov. 1709, at Wahlen, in his S3d year.(°) Admou. 6 Feb. 1709/10. His widow (who was b. about 1650), by whom he had no issue, d. at Ealiug afsd, Jan. 1720/1. Will dat. 30 Sep. 1710, pr. 23 Jan. 1720/1. XIV. 170'J. G. Henry (Howard), Earl of Suffolk [I G03], Earl of Bindon [1700] and Baron Chesterford [1706], 1st s. and h. by first wife ; b. about 1070. He appears to have been (improperly) styled Lord WAi.DKN.f'l; -from 1091 to 1700 ; was M.V. for Arundel. 1695—1098, and for Essex, 1705—1700 ; Commissary Gen. of the Musters, 1697—1700; Dep. Earl Marshal, ( e ) 21 Aug. 1700, being er. v.p. 30 Dec. 1700 BARON CHKSTERFOKD, co. Essex, and EAHL OF BINDON, co. Dorset; PC, 1707 and 1714 ; sue. as Earl of Suffolk, 10 Dec. 1709 ; a Commissioner of Claims at the coronation, 4 Oct. 1714, of Geo. I. ; L. Lieut, of Essex. 1714—1718 ; President of the board of trade, 1715—1718. He m, firstly 6 Aug. 1091, at Great Billing, co. Northampton, Anberie Anne Penelope, 4th da. of Henry (O'Brien), 7th Earl ok Tuomokd [I.], being his 2d da. by his second (*) " Loch/ Suffolk makes one of the rarest wives that ever I heard of, for her Lord, for the most part, with the gout and three score and six years old, is confined greatly to his chamber. She never stirs from him and admits very few visits if he be not so well as to see them." [Letter of A. Stephens to Abigail Harlev, 12 Ap. 1083]. ( b ) Hon. Thomas Howard, 2d s. of the 2d Earl, living 1069, d. s.p.m.s. before 1GS8. (°) Macky, in his " Ckaraeicrt, says of Henry, Earl of Suffolk (presumably the 5th and not the 0th Karl), that he was " A Gentleman, who was never yet iu busiues3, loves cocking, horse matches, and other country sports." ( fi ) The Barony of Howard de Walden was riot held by his father, it being then (as now) vested in the descendants of his uncle, since the death of that Earl in 16S9. (°) As such, be held, 20 April 1707, " a Court of Chivalry " in the painted chamber at Westm " accompanied by divers noblemen and gentlemen of quality, and attended by several Doctors of the Civil Law, tho Kings and Officers of Arms, Tractors and Officers of the Court " [Gazette notice].