Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/341

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SUSSEX. 339 XVI. 1(574, 1. Tiiomas (Lennard) Lord Dacre [1821] who sue. to to that dignity 12 May 1 t»t>2, was Bf. 5 Oct. 1684, KARL OP 1715. Sl'SSKX. He d. a p.m.s. 30 Oct. 171 5, aged about 62, when the Earldom of Sussex became extinet, but the Barony of Dacre devolved on his daughter* an<l coheirs. See " Dacke " liarouy, cr. 1321, under the loth holder of that dignity. XVII. 1717. /. T.U.ROT (YELVERTOx), YlSCOUN'T DE LOXGUEVII.LE and Lord Giikv i>k Rituyn, also a Baronet, 1st s. ami h. of Henry (VklvhitosV lot Visoh:nt DE LoxoOSVILLK, Sc., by Barbara, da. of Sir John, was '(.about 1<>92. »«e. to the peerage. 2 March 1704, taking bia seat 3 Feb. 1713 and waa cr. 2ti Peb. 1717 KARL 08 1 SUSSEX, Wfth rem., failing heirs male of his body to his br. Henry Vki.vkuton in like Manner. Ife was a Lord of the Bedchamber, 1722-27; F.R .8. 1 Feb. 1722 J Dep. Karl Marshal, 1725-81 ; K B., at the re-institution of that order, 27 May 1725; F.S..V, 21 July 172"> ; P.O. and a commiaar, of claims for the corou. of Oeorge II, 1727. where he cairied the golden spurs, acting also as Karl Marshal. He in. before 1 Nov. 172ti, Lucy, 4th da. of Henry Pkmum, of Lewes, co. Sussex, Clerk of the Pells, by Frances, da. and coheir of John Bine, of Kowdell, in that county. She (/. in childbed 25 May 1730 in her 85th year. He d. at his seat, Kastoii-Mauduit, co. Northampton, 27 Oct. 1731, aged about 40. ( s ) Will pr. 1732. XVIII. 1731. 2. Oeorge Augustus (Yei.vertox), Fart, of Sussex, &c, 1st p. and b. ; b. 27 July 1727 : styled Viscount de LoxGi'EviLt.K, till lie site, to the parage, 27 Oct. 1731, as above : was joint hostage to France for the delivery of Cape Breton, Oct. 174S to Aug. 1749^') : was a Lordof the Bedchamber to Frederick, I'rince of Wales, 1741', and to George, l'rince of Wales, 1751. He il. until. 8 Jan. 17iiS, and was bur. at Kaston-Mauduit, aged 30.(c) Admou. 31 Jan. 17.5S. XIX. 1758, J. Henry (Yelvertox), Karl of Sussex [1717], to ViscoPNT I)K LONGUKVILL8 [1690], and Loud GliKY DE koTHTH 17 ( J9. [1321], also a [16411 onl y bl - aml ! ■ 7 Jlll y 172S i «° officer iu the Army, 1752-59; sue. to the peerage, S Jan. 1758 ; Bearer of the golden spurs at the eoron. of Geo. III., 22 Sep. 1700 ; Col. of the Northamptonshire militia, 1763-S4, and Col. in the Army during service, 1770. He m. firstly, 17 Jan. 1757, at Mansfield Woodhouse, Notts (marr. lic.() 9, each aged 21), Hester, da. of John HaU, of Mansfield Woodhouse, afsd. She d. 11 Jau. 1777a u ) Admou. 31 Jan. 1777. He m. secondly, 29 Jan. 177S (spec, lie.) at the house of Mrs. Qwyn, iu little Scotland yard, St. Martin'* in the fields. Mary, da. of John VaI'uha.v, of Bristol. She d. s.p. of cancer in the breast, 9 July 179(1, in Sloans street. Admou. 1796. He d. s.p.m.s.( f ) at his house ill Somerset street, Portman square, 22 April 1799, aged 09, when the Earldom of Sussex and the Viscountcy of l>c Lmijueiille, as also the Baronetcy became extinet, but the Barony of Grey de Kuthyn devolved on his grandson and h. general. Will pr. May 1799. (") His portrait, in his hat and feathers as a K.B., " after J. Highmore, 1728," is engraved iu " Doyle." (>') He, with Lord Catheart, his fellow hostage, had to reside at Paris during that period. (') The Duke of Newcastle writes, 30 Oct. 1748, " He is a very discreet, good-kind of young man, and will do well everywhere." [Bedford Correspondence, I., 573]. C) "Urban Hall, of Mansfield Woodhouse, Eso,r." was her surety. C) Her portrait, with that of her da., Lady Barbara Yelvertou (then a girl), was painted by Gainsborough. 0 Talbot, his only s. (by first wife) d. an infant iu 1757-