Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/343

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SUTHERLAND. .341 styled " Mormakks) were (save only in this case) early in the 12th century known as Earls. Long before that period, however, the province was under the sway of Norway- Earldom [S.] 1. William Sutherland, s. and h. of Hugh Freskin T 12281 °' Sutherland, who had acquired that territory, forfeited by the Karl of Caithness [S. ), in 1 1H7, sue. his father in 1204, and appears to have been er. KARL OV SUTHERLAND [&](*) at some date between 1222 and 1245 ( h ) It seems probable that he assisted in quelling the rebellion of (iillespoc in the north, and was in that year, 1228, thus rewarded. He d. at Dunrobin, co. Sutherland, 124S. II. 1248. 2. William (Sutherland), Karl of Sutherland [S.], s. and I'. , sue. his father 1248 ; attended the Pari, at Scone, 5 Feb. 12S3/4, when the succession to the Crown [S. ] was settled ; was iu the convention' at Brigliam, 12 March 1289/90 ; swore fealty to Edward I. iu 1290, but was at the battle of B&noockburn in 1314 on the side of Robert 1. [S.], and subscribed ti April 1320 the letter to the Pope asserting the independence oi Scotland. He d. at a great, age 1325, having enjoyed the Earldom, 77 years, and was fear, in the church of Dornock.( c ) III. 1325. 3. Kenneth (Sutherland), Earl of Sutherland £S.], s. and b., site, his father in 1320. He is said to have m. a da. of the Earl of Mah [S.],'l). He was slaiu at the battle of Halidou hill, 19 July 1333, on the side of David II. [S.] IV. 1338. 4- William (Sutherland), Earl of Sutherland [|S.J, s. and h., sue. his father 19 July 1333 ; made an inroad into England with the Karl of March [S ] in 1340 ; is said to have been made a prisoner at the battle of Durham, 17 Oct 134ti ; was a commissi', to treat for the release of David II. [S.] in 1 3 f> 1 , 13fi4 and 1357, in w hich last year, he '.with his eldest son, John) was detained in England as a hostage, n<it being released till 20 March 13(i7. He »>. firstly, before 10 Nov. 1345,(*) the Lady Margaret RuvcR, sister of the whole blood of David II. [S.J, da. of Robert I. [S.J, by his second wife, Elizabeth, da. of Richard (dk BtJRuH), Karl ok Ulster [I.] She il. iu child birth. 1358. He m. secondly, before 6 Dec. 1363. Johanna, widow, or divorced wife, of Sir Maurice Mouay, of Dranuurgand (in. 1339) previously widow of Johu (Campbell), Earl ok Atholl [S.] (d. 1333), and, before that, of Malta*, Karl of Strathehn [S.], da. of Sir John MKNTEiTii.( f ) She returned from Kuglaud with her husband to Scotland in 1367. He d. at Dunrobin in 1370.(s) (") An elaborate work, entitled " A Genealogical History of the Earldom ok Sutherland, written by Sir Robert Gordon of Gordonstoun, Hart." (yr. e. of Alexander, 12th Karl of Sutherland), gives the history of that Earldom down to 1630, and is continued to 1651 ; folio, pp. 576, Edinburgh. 1813. ( b ) "From documents referred to by Lord Hailes, it follows that the creation [of the Earldom of Sutherland] was, at some period from 1222 to 1245, in the person of William de Sutherland, the s. and h. of Hugh Freskvn, proprietor of the lands of Scelbol." [Riddell, p. 168]. ( c i The House of Lords decided iu 1771 that Elizabeth Sutherland, the heir of line in 151 1, had sue. to the Earldom of Sutherland "as heir of the body of William, who was Earl of Sutherland iu 1275." (") No such match, however, is mentioned iu Burnett's " Marly Kails of Mar." (") This appears to be the true date of the erection of the Earldom of Sutherland into a regality in favour of Karl William and Margaret his wife, tho' it is likewise attributed to 10 Oct. 1338 and 17 Nov. 1347. See note to Wood's " Douglas:' {') "Scottish Antiquary," vol. ix, p. 113, quoting from Fraser's " A'crf Book of Mcnteitlt." ( 8 ) " A man every way worthy of commendation ; for valour of mind and ability of txaly inferior to noue iu the Kiugdom during his time ; . . . of great courage, and ready to enterprise anything." [Gordon's " llist. Sut/t. " 54].