Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/392

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THAXET— Till RLE STAN E. it said, previously married the lady when iibrond) Anno Charlotte de Bojahovitx Spinster, a native of Hungry. She d. 15 Feb. 1819 of paralysis at HutlilicM Place. He d. s.p. 21 Jan. 1825, Bged :u, at Chalons, near Paris, where of late years he had principally resided, and wan Atir. 7 Fob. following at Uainbam afsd. Adimni. .June 1S25, Feb. 1833, and Aug. 1851. X. 1825. 10. Charles (Tufton) Earl of Tiianet, be-- next hr. and h., 6. 10 Sep. 1770 : ed. at the military school at Angers; was in 1757 an officer in the (kith Foot, becoming, in 1 793, Capt. in " Balfour's Keg, of Foot" sue. to the peerage, as above, 24 Jan. 182o. He </. nnui. 20 April 1532 at Hothfield place, aged Gl.(') Adinuu. June 1832 and July 1884. XI. 1832, 11. Henry (Tuiton), Karl op Tiianet [1G28], and to Bahow IuftPS [I62t% also a Baronet [1611], Hered. Sheriff of 1849. Westmorland, only sin v. hr. and h., being 4 th and only sure. s . (if the 8th Karl,, 1 ') was 6. 2 Jan. 177:"i ; ed. at Winchester and at the military school at Angers ; was, in 1 700, an officer of the 26th Foot, becoming Capt. of an independent company of Foot, 17!':!; was arrested in France, being, fur sometime, a detenu at Verdun in 1S13. He was M.V. for Rochester, 1786— 1SQ2, and for Appleby, 1S26, 1 S:50 and 1831-32: sue. ti> Hie peerage, 20 April 1832; L. Lieut of Kent, 1S41-46. He d. unin. 12 June 13 10, at 73 Gloucester place, l'ortmau square, aged 74, when all Ids honour* became extinct. Will pr. Oct. 1SI!». THANKERTON See "Watson of Thankertox, co. Lanark," Barony (Watson J, cr. 18S0. THETFORI). i.e., "Tiietford, co, Norfolk," Vwcountcy (Beimel, afterwards Fiteroy), cr. 1672 with the Eahldom ok AhlinuTo.n, which see. THETMOY. Sec "LouTn," EmWcrni of [I.] (Bermimjham), cr. 1310; ex. 1329, the grantee being, as were his ancestors and heirs, " Lords of Thetuioy," which title, however, cannot be considered as a peerage dignity. See also vol. i, p. 176, note " b," sub "Athknhy." IHIRLESTANE. i.e., " Tfiirlestane and Boltoun," Barony [S.] (JUaiiland), a: 1624 with the Eauldom uv Lauderdale [S.], which see. i.e., "Lauderdale of Tiurlestane, co. Berwick," Barony (Mailhtml), cr. 1806 ; ex. 1S63 ; see " Lauderdale," Earldom [S.], cr. 1621, under the 8th, 9th, and 10th Earls. ( a ) He, like his elder br., was in politics a Reformer. (») The Hon. John Tufton, the 3d Bon, b. 22 Nov. 1773, was sometime II. F. for Rochester. He </. unm. 28 Jlay 1799. ( c ) He " devised his real estates and the Sheriffdom of Westmoreland to a French gentleman, under which devise the question is now raised whether this office is capable of being devised." [Ann. ficg. 1849]. These vast estates (about 40,000 acres) weie inherited by Richard Tufton, b. at Verdun in France, 1813 (illegit. son of the testator), who was naturalised, 1849 ; had a royal lie, 5 May 1850, to continue the name of Tufton, and was cr. a Baronet, 16 Jan. 1851, bis s. and h. being cr. Baron Hothfield, co. Ktut, 11 Oct. 1881