Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/396

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394 THOMOND. 01«e Keg of Militia Dragoons. 1715 ; cr. 1,1,. D of OarobrulRe, 7 Oct. 1717 ; I,.-I,ietit of Essex, 1721/2. lie in. 4 June 1707, at Islewortb, go. Midx., Elizabeth, 1st da, uf Charles (Seymour). 0th DUES OK Somerset, by his first wife, Elizabeth, da. aild h. of Jocolyn (1'ercy), E.uti. of Niiutiil.miieiii.anu. She, who was b. at I'etworth, co. Sussex, 1085, d. 2 April 1734. He it. s.p. in Dublin, 20 April 1711, aged 52, and was bur. (with his ancestors) in Limerick cathedral, when the VitCOUntCg uf Ttukastcr became extinct and the Earldom of TAomomi and Barony of lbrattem [I.] fell in!" attainder, becoming subsequently, 1771, extinct. Will dat. 11 Oct. 1788. or. 1741. At his death his Irish dignities Would have devolved on his cousin and h. male, Charles O'Brien, who, hut for the attainder, in 1 Lil'l , of his grandfather, Daniel (O'Brien), 3d Viscount Clare [I.], would have been 3d Viscount Clakr [I.], and who was, after 1711, known in France as "I'mint ill ThrHaond," he being, at that dale, heir male of the body of Connor, iii' 1 (id) Earl of Tbotnond. On the death, bow- ever, of his only s. and h.. Charles U'Brien, who it. train, 29 Dec. 1771, the issue male (not only of the said Connor but) of Donogh (O'Brien), ir 4 (l*t) Earl of Thomond (so cr. 1552), became extinct and the representation of the house of O'Brien, in the male line, devolved on the Barons (then Earls) of Inchiipu'n [I.] See toiler particulars of the attainted Earls of Thomoml, under "Cine," Viscountcy [[.J, cr. 1662 ; forfeited Ui'Jl, and extinct, with the Earldom of 77ionioi.i( and Barony of lbruckan [1.1, 1774. IX. 1756, 1- Tehcy Wyxmiam-OTikiex, formerly Wyxiiiu.m, r. to yr. hr. of Charles, id Karl OF EOBKMOMT, being id s. of the lit. Hun. 1774. Sir William WyndhaM, 3d Bart., by his first wile, Katharine, da. uf Charles (Seymour). 5th Di ke iv Somerset, was b. about 1713 in London ; matrio. at Oxford (St. Mary's Hall), 17 Nov. 1710, aged 17 : and, having inherited, 20 Sep. 1741, the estates of the late Karl of Thomoml (the husband of his mother's sister) assumed, under his vill,( a ) the name of O'Brien (tho' in no way descended from that family), after that of Wyndham, and was cr. 11 Dec. 1758, Baron illltACKAN and Haul OK Tuumond f I.] He was of Shortgrove, CO. Essex ; was sometime M.I', for Winchelsea, and was P.O. He d. uum. in Dover street, 21 July 1774, aged about 131, when the pecruijc became crfi'iicf. Admon. 0 Aug. 1774. Marquessate [I.] ]. MtjRROUOH (O'BriES, or O'Brybs), Haw, op I 1800 Inchiquin [I. 1654], Baron Ischiquis [1. 1548] ami Baron O'BiUEN ok Burden [I. 1054], s. and h. of the Hon. James O'BRIEN, by Maty, da. of the Very Bev. William Jei'HSON, Dean of Kilmine, which James (who it. 17 Dec. 1771) was 3d s. of William (O'Brien), 3d Earl ok iNCHiqDIN [I.J, was b. about 1724 ; was sometime Capt. in the Foot Guards ; rue to the ficcraye [I ]. as aliove, 18 July, taking his seat, 14 Oct. 1777 ; P.O. [I.]; Gov. of co. Clare; K.P. (one of the 15 orig.(ti) knights), 5 Feb. 1783 ; was cr. 29 Dec. 1800,(°) M A HQ U ESS OF THOMOND( J ; [I.J. with a spec. rem. of that dignity, failing heirs male of his body, to his brothers in like manner. He was also cr. 2 Oct. 1801, BARON THOMOND 01 TAPLOW, co. Bucks [U.K.] He m. lirstly, 0 March 1753, at Duke street chapel, Westm., his first cousin, Mary, suo jure Countess ok Orkney [S.J, 1st da. and h. of line of Aune, mo jure Countess of Orkney [I.], by William (O'Brien), 4th Earl 01 Incbiquin [I.] She, who was b. about 1721, sue. (o that Earldom [S.J. 0 Dec. 1750, ami (•') Murrough O'Brien, styled Lord O'Brien, s. anil h. ap. of William, 4th Earl and 9th Baron Inchiquin [I.J was placed before him (as tenant in tail male) under the said will, but be d., v.p,, iu his 10th year, 20 Sep. 1741, only five months after the testator. ( b ) See vol. i, p. 136, sub " Arran," for a list of them. (") This was one of the 4 Marquessates [I.] conferred ou that day. See vol. i, p. 208, note "c." sub " Avonmore," as to the creations then made. ( a ) The Barons Inchiquin had, ever since the death, 29 Dec. 1774, of Charles O'Brien (who, but for his ancestors' attainder in 1691, would have been Earl of Thomond, Viscount Clare &c. [I.]) been, as they still (1890) continue to be, the bead of the house of O'Brien, being heirs male of the body of the 1st Earl of TUotnoud [I.J (so cr., tho' for life ouly, m 1543) as also (after the said date of 29 Doc. 1774) of that Earl's father, and the earlier Princes (or Kings) of Thomond.