Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/404

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402 TIBETOT. or Cherleton dk Piiwvs. feudal Lord of Powyg (who d, s.p.ra., 14 March 1120/1). by his first wife, Alianore. Dow. Countess of March, da. of Thomas (HOL&KD), 2<l Eabl OF Kent, he was sum to pari, as a Karon (LOK1) TIPTOFT) from 7 Jan. (1425/6) 4 Hen. VI. to 3 Dee. (1441), 20 Hen. VI..">) by writs directed ■• Johi Tiptoft Chivukr." He appears, however (in consequence of his said alliance} to have assumed (concurrently with his wife's nephew, Henry Grey) the title of I'owys, and (as Steward of the Kind's house), signs a document! as "John, Lord Tiptot and of Poivys." 28 Feb. (1427/8) ti Hen. VI. being in (1140-41) 10 Hen. VI., ca!W •■ Dm de Tiptot ct de Voices, iaro,"l«) Bed. 27 Jan. 1442/3. His widow, who was b. 23 Oct. 1 105. </. 22 Sep. 144(5. II. bis. 1443, §. John (de Tidetot, or Tiptoft), Lord Tiptoft, s. to and h., by second wife : b. 1427. being aged 10 at the death of 1470. his father in 1443; ed. at Hall. College. Oxford. He was, as sunn us he was of full age. rr. by patent (wherein he is called "Johanna Bam Tiptot ct de Pv»y$"), 10 July 1449, HAUL OF WOH- CESTKR. He was Treasurer of the Exchequer (1st time) 1452-53 : P.C.. 1453 ; a Cotouiissr. fur the investment of Prince Kdward. as Prince of Wales. 13 April 1 154 ; was on an embassy to Pope Calixtus III.. 1457. and to Pope Pius ![..() 1 139. He espoused the cause of the Vorkuta ; was Ch. Justice of North Wales. Keeper of the forests uf Waybridge and Sapley. co. Huntingdon, and Constable of the Tower of London. 1401 ; installed K.G. (by proxy) under royal warrant. 21 March 1461/2; Constable of England, 1462-67 : Treasurer of the Exchequer (2d time) 1402-03 ; L. Steward uf the Household, after Jan. 1463 ; Chancellor of Ireland. Jan. 1 101 ; Cum- Gov. of Ireland (as L. Deputy) 1407-OS. Chamberlain of the Exchequer, I470.(») He »i. firstly in or after 144ii. Cecilia, widow of Henry BS.U'CBAMP). Di ke OK War- wick. 2d da. of Richard (Neville). Karl of SaUSBURT, by Alice, da. and h. of Tbotna (MonTactte). Karl OF SaLISDikv. I'.y her. who d. 28 July 1450. he had no is-ue. He m. secondly before 1452. Elizabeth, da. of Robert GRF.YNOuin. He M. thirdly about Sep. 1407. Klizabeth. widow (if Sir Roger Cornet, sister and h. of Sir Walter Hoiton. da. of Thomas HOFTOa. On the temporary restoration of Henry VI. he fled to Waybridge forest abovenamed, was captured and tnheuded for high treason, 18 Oct. 1470,oii Tower Hill, aged about 43. i 1 ) when all his honours heeAraeJorfeittd.{f) His effigy is at Ely cathedral^ 1 ) His widow m. (as a third husband) Sir Willi mi Stanley. III. bis, 1471, 3. Edward (de Tibetot or Tiptoft), Karl of to Worcester ami Lord Tiitoit. 2d and Jhrt, and only suit, k 148"). and h.,(') being only child by third wife; h. about 1468, being little more than two years old at the death uf his father in 1 170. On the reaccession of Ed, I'. (I I April 1471) it is presumed that the forfeiture of (") There is proof in the rolls of Pari, of his sitting. He appears to have sat there also as early as 1 122. 1423 and 1-125. ( h ) " Her, and Gen." Vol, iv, pp. 115-110. ( c ) See vol. vi, p. 294. note •' e," sub " Powis." ( d ) He is said to have made to this Tope "such an elegant oration that it drew tears from the eyes of his holiness. ( e ) He translated into English " Publiua Cornelius" and " Caius Flaminius" ; was the author of several learned tracts, and is highly spoken of in Walpule's "Noble Authors." ( r ) " He was beheaded under an act passed in 1470, enacting that extreme punish- ment should be done without delay upon such of Edward's adherents as should be apprehended ; no account either of his attainder, or the restoration of his son, is to be found upon the Rolls cf Parliament." [Oourthope.~ (e) It is mentioned in a contemporary chronicle, that in 1170, "ille trux carnifex et hominum decollator horridtis, comes de Wiccester, captus est, et in Turri London, incarceratus, et in breve prope dietam turrini decapitatiis, et npud Kratres Predica- tes jnxta Ludgate obscure sepultus." [Three 15th cent. Chron. Camden Soe, p. 183.] I 11 ) A spirited sketch therefrom, an open coronet being on his head, is in ■'Doyle. (') His elder br. of the half blood, John, s. of the Earl's second wife, d. young.