Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/406

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404 TIME — TOLLEMACHE. TIRIE. i.e., " Inverary, Mull, Morven and Tiiue " Barony [S.] {Campbell), cr. 1701 with the Dukedom of Ahoyll [8.1 which see. TITCHFIELD. i.e., " WnioTnESLEY of Titciifield, co. Southampton" Barony ( Wriuthesley), cr. lo l l ; tee " Suutha.muto.n ", a: 1.'. 17 ; ex. 1007. i.e., "Noel of Titchfield, co. Southampton," Barony (iliW), n: 10S1 ; see " Gainsuorouqu " Earldom, cr. 10S2 ; ex. 1793. i.e., " Titciifield, co. Southampton," Marquessate {BeMinclt), cr. 1710 with the Dukedom ok POBTtANDi which see. TIVIOT, see Teviut. TIVIOTDALE or TliVIOTDALE. See " Cumberland and Tiviotdale" Dukedom (Prince of Great Britain and Ireland), a: 1799. TODDINGTON. See "Cheney de Toddington " [co. Beds.], Barony (Cheney), cr. 1572 ; ex. 1587. See " Sudeley of Toddington, co. Gloucester," Barony (Hanlury- Tracy), cr. 1838. TOLLEMACHE OF 1IELMINGIIAM. Barony. John Tollemaoiie, formerly Hallway, of Peckforton 1 1876 Castle, co. Chester, and Helmingham HhII, eo. Suffolk, let s. and h. of Admiral John Richard Delap Hallway. aflenvarcU TollfmacHB, of the same, by Elizabeth, 2d da. and coheir of John (StratfmkiiI, 3d Ear I. OP Aleborouuk [L], (winch John Richard, who d. 10 July 1S:;7, aged 05, took by royal lie. 4 July 1821, for himself(") anil his issue, the name of Tultcmachc in lieu of his patronymic of I/allida/i), was b. 7 Dec. 180.1 ; was High Sheriff of Cheshire, 1810; M.P. for South Cheshire, 1841-08, and for West Cheshire, 1808-72, and was cr. 17 Jan. 1870,( b ) HAUON TuLLEMACII K UF 11 KUM IM ill AM, co Suffolk. He m. firstly, 2 Aug. 1820, his cousin, Georgians Louisa, da. of Thomas Best, by Emily, 3d and yst. da. anil coheir of John (Stratford), 3d EaBI of AldbORODOB [1.1 above- named. She d. 18 July 1840. He M. secondly, 17 Jan. 1850, at Kendlesham Hall, co. Suffolk, Minnie, da. of James Duff, by Eliza Charlotte (afterwards Baroness Kendlesham [I.]), da. of Sir George Beeston Prescott, 2d Hart. He d. 9 Dee. 1890, (") He was s. and h. of John Delap Halliday, of the Leasowes, co. Salop, by Jane, 2d and yst. sister and coheir of Wilbraham (Tollemache), Earl of Dysart [S.], whose elder sister (the heir of line), became 1821, mo jure Countess of Dysart [S.J, beiug ancestress of the succeeding Earls. ( b ) See vol. iv, p. 19, note " a," sub " Gerard " as to the batch of peerages conferred at that date.