Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/422

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420 TRACY. thenannpcr office"), BARON AND VISCOUNT TRACY OP RATHCOOLE, CO. Dl'BLIN [I.] He m., about 1590. Anne, 5th da. of Sir Thomas Khiiu.ev, of Wiston, co. Sussex, by Ann, da. of Sir Thomas Kf.mi'e. She, who was bap. 1 Jan. 1573/4, at St. Anne's, Hlackfriars, was living April 1623, but, apparently rf. before him. He appears to have d. in, or before, 1648.( n ) II. 16481 ~- Robert (Tracy), Viscount and Baron Tracy op Kathcoolk [It s. and h. : mat. at Oxford (Queen's Coll.). 30 March 1610. aged 17; admitted to the Middle Temple, 1610 : was knighted Ht Theobalds, i Oct. 1616 ; was 31 P. for CO. Gloucester 1621-22, 1626. and April to May 1610 ; sue. to the peerage [I.] about 1648. He to. firstly, before 1617, Bridget, 3d da. of Joha LyiTEI.ToN, of Franrkley Court, eo. Wore., by Meriel, da. of Sir Thomas I'.komi.ey, Lord Chancellor. He m. secondly, Dorothy, da. of Thomas Cocks, of Castlediteh, co. Hereford, by Anne, da. of Ambrose Elton of Ledbury. He was bur. at Toddington, LI May 1662. Will dat. 3 May and pr. 25 June 1662. His widow d. 16S5. Her will dat. 11 Sep. 16S4, pr. 3 Oct. 1685. ILL 1 6G'2. 3. John (Tracy), Viscount and Baron Tracy or RatHCOOI.E [I.], s. and h. by 1st wife ; mat. at Oxford (Line. Coll), 13 Dec. 1633, aged 16; sue. fa the peerage [I.] in May 1662. He m., about 1855, Elizabeth, 1st surv. da. of Thomas (LeioiO, 1st Bwto.v Lkiuii ok, to Mary, da. anil coheir of Sir Thomas Eoerto.v. He d. at Hnylra Abbey, in the parish of Didbrooke, en. Olotic, 4 ami was bur. II March 1686/7, at Toddington. Will dat. 3 March 1682/3, pr. 11 June 1687. His widow (/. 20 and was Our. 26 Sep. 168S, at Toddington. Her will dat. 30 Jan. 1637/8, pr. U Jau. 16SS/9. IV. 1687. 4- William (Tracy), Viscount and Harox Tracy OK RaTBCOOLI 1 1-1 s. and h,, b. at Todingtoli : mat. at Oxford (Queen's Coll.) 4 Dec. 1674, being then aged 17 : sue. to the peeragc.) 8 March 1686/7. He »i. firstly (Lie. Vic. Gen. 12 July 1679. be about 23 and she about 20) Frances, da. of Leicester (1 lEVEHKl'X), 6th Viscount BeRKFORD, being only child, Iiy Elizabeth, his 1st wife, da. ami h. of Sir William Wnilll'ot.K, of Christ Church, Ipswieh. She (/. 20 and was bur. 23 March 1687 at Toddington. He hi. secondly (Lie. Vic. Gen. 30 Aug. 16SS, he about 32, she about 23) Jane, 3d and yst. da. of his maternal uncle, Sir Thomas Leihh, by his 2il wife, Jane,da.of Patrick (FitzMauihb), 19th Baron ok Kkiiry and Lixnaw [I.]. She </. 25 anil was bur. 27 Jan. 1707 at Toddington. He d. IS and was faM 19 April 1712 at Toddington. Will dat. 23 Nov. 1710, pr. 2 July 1712. V. 1712. '>. Thomas Charles (Tracy), Viscount and Barox Tracy ok Katrcoolf. [L], r. and h. by 2d wife, b. 31 July and bap. 3 Aug. 1690 at Toddington ; sue. to the peerage [I.) 18 April 1712. He tot lirstlv 27 Dec. 1712 Elizabeth, sister of Sir William Key't, 3d Bart., 1st da. of William Kevt, of Ebriugton, co. Glonc. by Agnes, da. of Sir John ('Lofton. She was 6. 11 Sep. 1689 and was bur. at Toddington 1 Nov. 1719. He hi. secondly Frances, 1st da. of Sir John Pakinoton, 4th Bart., by his 1st wife. Frances, da. of Sir Henry Paiikeh, Bart., of Hunniugton. She d. 23 and was bur. 26 April 1751, at Toddington. He d. 4 and was bur. 7 June 1756, at Toddington, aged 66. Will dat. 22 April 1756, pr. 25 June following. VI. 1756. G. Titomas Charles (Tracy), Viscount and Baron- Tracy OF Rathcoole, 2d but 1st surv. s. by 1st wife, 6. 15 June and bap. 12 July 1719 at Toddington; sue. to the peerage [L] 4 June 1756; waser. D.O.L. of Oxford 7 July 1773. He in., 10 Feb. 1755, Harriet, da. of Peter Bathurst, of (a) There is an admon., 22 Nov. 1618, of "Sir John Tracy, Kut., of Tuddiugton, co. Gloucester," granted to " John Tracy, Esq., grandson, by the sou." This, not improbably, may refer to the 1st Viscount, whose title of peerage, granted since 1 Jan. 1641, would (under the act, i Fell. 1651/2; not have been recognised at that period. It would, however, seem that Robert (the 2d Viscount), the son of the deed, and father of the said John, the grandson, would have been the proper person to administer, but the practice at that time was very irregular.