Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/436

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434 TULLIBAKDINE. Atholl [S ] lean, 17 IVb. 1628/9, confirmed (sec that dignity), bot the Earldom of Tullibardine and f/« Barony of Mm ray of TuUibardine [S.j became rested i>i (Ae Own till the latter was regranted aa below. Earldom [&] .V. Hux. Sir I'atrick Murray, of Cnstlelon, jr. l>r. m lfi 0i > l " ie tll,ove Earl, bring 3d s.C) of John, 1st Kadi, ov Tn.i.i- n.MiniNK [S.1 was o, 30 Jan. 1 Gl>9,i b ) KARL OK TULLIBAU- PINK and LORD MURRAY OK CASK 'V) [8.J, to him and his heirs male whatsoever. In consequence of the resignation of that Earldom by his br«. the late Kail, the dignity presumably carried the original precedence. /') He win cupbearer to the King, lie m in ..r after 170f>. Elizabeth, widow id Sir Franca Vkre it/. 28 Aug. 1609, aged 54), 2d da. and Coheir of John I>ent, Citizen of London, by Alice.t 8 ) da. of Christnpher Grant, of Ireland. He was living 21 Aug. 1843, hut d. soon afterwards. IV. J/. .Tames (Murray), Earl of TprxiBARDiXE, &c [S.], 1st s. and h. : b. abpnt 1618 ; Hyled p.p. Loud Murray of Gask. having as such, charter of some lands, 21 Aug. 1643 ; sitr. ta the peerage fJS.], as above, soon afterwards; was active in the l'arl. cause, hut op poked the surrender of Charles I. to the English in Jan. 1047 ; was Constable and Steward of Huntingtotir, 2S Dee. 1649, hut was f m ed £."00 under Cromwell's Act id Grace, 1654. lie in. firstly, Anne, da. of his uncle, John (Murray), K.vltt. ok Antou. [S ]. by Jean, da. id Sir Duncan CaHPBKLL. She (/. s.p. He in. secondly, 3 June 1648, at Charlton, co. Kent jjUe. Load. 21 May, he of Cheshur.t, Herts, ajed 2d, Bachr. [me], she aged 'J.), [.{lias, 2d da. of John {DRPsiMOxni, 2d Karl ok Perth [S.], by Jean, da. of Robert (Kf.iO, 1st Eari. of RoxiirnoH [S.J He m. thirdly, Lilins, da. nf Sir James DROMJtOXD, of Machanv. He rl. s.p.s ,( f ) Jan. 1670. His widow as the second of his three wives, James (Diujmmosd), 4th Kari. ok Perth [S.], who </. 11 May 1716, aged OS. She rf. about 168S, V. 1G70. 5. John (Murray), Earl of Atholl, Karl op Tullibardine, kc, [Si J, cousin and b. male, being s. and h. of .Mm. Earl of Atboli. [8.1 only s. and h, of William, 2.1 Eari- op Tixi.ida urine [S.J the elder hr. of Patrick, 3d Earl,"' j b. about 1035 ; sue. to the peerage [S.J as Karl of Atholl, on the death of his father. June 1042. and sue. as Karl of Tullibardine, kc., mi the death nf his cousin, the 4th Karl, Jan. 1070. He was er , 1 7 Keh. 1070, MARQUESS OK ATHOLL, fce. [S.J He d. 7 May 1703 (■} The 2.1 p., Capt. John Murray, rf. s.p., as did the 1th s., Mnngo, who, in 1681, became 2d Viscount Stormont [S.] See tabular pedigree on p 251, note "a." sufc " Stormont." (") " Mag. Sig., L iii, No. 44." as in Wood's " Douglas," vol. ii, p. tiSO. (°) Qy. 'f a misnomer for " Murray of J'ullibunlii.e, which was the nam.' of ths Barony, er. 1004, that had been resigned by the late Karl. (d) "A patent or regrant bj Charles t, 30 Jan. 1028, of the Earldom of Tullibanliue, Barony of Gask, &c, with the original precedence, in favour of Sir I'atrick Murray and his heirs male, principally upon a procurators of resignation of the deceased Jehu [Qi/. William] Murray, Bar) of Tullibardiu, of whom Sir Patrick was a younger son [Qjf. brother]. This again confirms the findings in the Oliphant and Kincardin decisions in 1633 and 1707, that proctiratories did not become void by the death of the Grauter, but may be perfected by the King afterwards." [lluUkll, p. 661 The Earldom of Atholl {er. 1598) existed till 1625 and it is not likely that John, the 1st Earl of TuUibardine (who rf. as far hack as 1009) resigned his own Earldom with a view to the succession to the Earldom of Atholl being established in his family, or. indeed, that any resignation thereof was made, before that of Willium. the 2d Karl, in 1626. ( e ) This Alice m. secondly Sir Julius Ctesar, Chancellor of the Exchequer. ( r ) By his first wife he is sometimes said to have had two sons who both rf, young and v.p., uz. (1), Patrick Murray, sti/led Lord Murray, and (2) James Murray. No mention, however, is made of any such issue in Wood's " Douglas." (8) See Tabular pedigree on p. 251, note "a," sub "Stormont,*'