Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/48

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46 SALTOUN. X. 1669, 10. Alexander (Fraser), Lord Saltoun of Abernethy or [8J| s. and h. of Sir Alexander Eraser, (■) of Philortb, co. Aber- lG70.( b ) deeu, by bis first wife, Margaret, 1st da. of George (AbernkthvI, 7th Lord Saltoun ok Abernethy abovenamed ; was b. March 1804 ; served heir of bis father, 17 Dec. 1624 ; commanded a regiment in the expedition to rescue Cliarles I. in 1618 : advanced large sums to Charles II. when in Scotland, and was wounded, lighting on his side, at the battle of Worcester in 1651 ; M.P. for Aberdeenshire, 1643 (COUV.) 1C4S and 1661-63, and was, soon after the death in 1669( h ) of his cousin, the late Lord Saltoun of Abernethy, served heir of line to his maternal grandfather, George the 7th Lord abovenamed, the said peerage being confirmed by patent, 11 July 1670, ratified on the 21*t in Parl,( c ) He, accordingly, took his sent in the Pari. [S.J, 9 Aug. following. He m. firstly ( — ) da. of William Forbes of Toh|uhonn. She d. s.p.m. He In. secondly, Elizabeth, da. and h. of Alexander SeTon, of Meldrum. He d. 11 Aug. 1693 in his 90th year. XI. 1690: 11. William (Fraser Lord Saltoun of Aiiernetjiy [S.], grandson and h., being 3d and yst. but only surv. s. ami h.C 1 ) of Alexander Phaser, Master of Saltoun by (the first of his three wives) Ann,(°) 1st da. of William (Kerr), 1st Pari, of Lothian [S.], which Alexander, who was s. and h. ap. of the Lord) d. v. p. Nov. 16S2. tie was h. 21 Nov. 1654 ; was sometime in com- mand < >f a company of foot, but quitted the army, 1682 ; sue. to the peerage, 11 Aug. 1693, taking his seat 9 May 1695 : was a promoter of the IWien Expedition, and all opposer of the treaty of Union [S.] He »>. 11 Oct. 1683, Margaret, 2d da. of James Sharp, Archbishop of St. Andrews. He d. 18 March 1715, in his 61st year. Funeral entry at Lyon office. His widow (/. at Edinburgh, 29 Aug. 1731. XII. 1715. 12. Alexander (Kramer), Lord Saltoun of Abeb- NKTJIY [S.], 1st s. and b., h. 1684 ; said to have been ed. nt Oxford ; inc. to the peerage 18 Match 171o. He m. in 1707, Mary, 3d da. of George (GoKDOS) 1st KARL ok Aberdeen, by Anne, da. of George LoCKHART. He rf. at I'hilorth, 24 July 1748. His widow, who was A. 29 March 1682, d. at Kinnaird's head 10 Feb. 1783, aged 71. (») He is designed " Harronet " in a document 15 March 1628, but apparently in error. ( L ) In the letter of 9 March 1669 (see p. 4.1, note ,: b") mention is made of n sister of the late Lord (a " dochter " of the writer) whom Fraser of I'hilorth had Summoned " to enter heir to her brother" which says Riddel! (p. 917, note 3) was in order evidently to denude in favour of creditors," adding that this lady " is hardly known and must speedily have died," i.e., before 1670 when the title was confirmed to a more distant heir general. No notice of her (whose name, even, is unknown) is taken in the text, tho' she apparently must have been de jure for a few months sua jure Baroness Saltoun of Abernethy. Two sisters are assigned to the late Lord each named Margaret, vis., one b. 19 Nov. 1609, at Edinburgh, who d. young ami another b. there. 2 Feb. 1613, who "d. unm." [Wood's Douglas.} (") " Even supposing that there had been a new, effective, and unqualified grant of of the dignity to Alexander Fraser in 1670, which was assuredly not the case, still, owing to the want of a resiijuutiou by the last Lord, the right of the heir male (if previously the true heir) could not have been barred. In that event there would have existed two separate Baronies (in some degree like those of Strange and Clifford in England) the original one descendible to the heir male and hence to Abernethy of Auchnacloich, the other to Fraser of Philortb in terms of such conveyance of 1670. The fact s that neither he [Abernethy] or any one, then, dreamt of or imagined the suppositions law fabricated [in the 18th century] by Lord Mansfield, or that the claim of the heir male could compete with that of the heir general." The Saltoun precedent tends the more to illustrate the doctrine of the superior right, in Scotland, of the heir general, inasmuch as " the last Lord having [in 1669] died bankrupt and possessed of nothing but his Peerage, it was completely at tho disposal of common law." [Riddell, p. 189.] (d) Alexander, the elder br. had d. unm. 1673. (") She, who was b. 26 and bap. 27 Nov. 1631, and whose marr. settl. was dated 11 Jan. 1652, d. in or about 30 Sep. 1658.