Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/6

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4 SAINT ALBANS. Smith, of London. He d. s.p. of bronchitis, 9 April 162G, at the house of the Earl of Arundel, in or near Highgate, and was bur. in the church of St. Michael in St. Albans aged 6f>, {") when all his honours became extinct. His widow m. (the samo month), 20 April 1026, at St. Martin's in the fields, John (afterwards Sir John), Undkiuiii.i,, who d. in or shortly before 1079. She </. 29 June 1650, and was bur. at Ey worth, Beds.(») Will pr. 1050. o S Earldom. 1. Richard (Dourke, otherwise de Burgh) Earl] "i- I 1G28 0F ClaSRicardb and Baron b. about 1572 ; | jj" ^ J " inc., on the death of his father, 20 May 1001, to the pccrai/e "^--a [I.J abovenamed, was cr. 3 April 1021, HA RON SOMEN- | "gB HILL and VISCOUNT TUNBRIDGE, co. Kent [K.l, and subsequently, 23 | Si Aug. 102S, EARL OF SAINT ALBANS, co. Hertford [E.J, being in the ssme patent cr. BARON OF I.MANNEV and VISCOUNT QALWAY [I.], with, in the case of the Irish honours, a spec. rem. in favour of the heirs male of the body of his father. He d. J2 Nov. 1035. II. 1G35, 2. Ulick (Bourkk, otherwise de Burgh) Earl to of Clanricaiidr, fte. [I.], also Karl Of Saint Ai.iians, &c. 1G57. [F.], only s. and h. : b. Dec. 1004 ; mm. v.p. to pari., 7 March 1027/8 and 20 Jan. ] 028/9, presumably in his father's Barony of Somerh'dl, thu' according to the writs as I.nitn BURQtl ; sue, 12 Nov. | £ C 1035, to his father's Earldoms, ice. [I. and E.], as above ami was o". 21 Feb. 1 C— - 1645/0, HAKQUESS OF CLANRICA Rl >E [1]. He d. s.p.m., July 1057, ~ r. when the Earldom of Saint Albans and all other his English honours [1021 | 3 g and 1028], as also the Marqucssate of Clanricardc [I.], became extinct. j 3i ,2 III. 1660, 1. HffliBY (Jehmvn), Baron Jkrmynof St. Edmunds- to Bt'RT, co. SuSblk, so cr. (with a spec, rem.) S Sep. 1013, was cr. by 1G83/4. letters patent, dat. at Breda, 27 April 1600, EARL OF SAINT ALBANS; was KG. 29 May 1072. He d. num. 2 Jan. 1683/4, when the Earldom of St. Albans became extinct, but the Barony of Jermyu devolved on his nephew and h., according to the spec. rem. in the creation thereof. See fuller particulars under " Jeruiyu of St. Edmundsbury " Barony, cr. 1043, sub the first Barou. Dukedom. jf. Charles Beauclerk, ille"it. s.( c ) of Charles II., by I 1683 '4 Eleanor Gwynnk. spinBter,( d ) being the elder of his two sons by that ^ ' lad v, was b. 8 May 1070, in I.incolnB Inn fields, and was cr. (by his father) 27 Dec. 1676, BARON HEDINGTON and EARL OF BUR- FORD, both Co. Oxford, with a spec. rem. failing heirs male of his body, to his yr. ( a ) The life of this great man and a full account of all his well known writings, philosophical, literary, and professional, occupies no less than 32 pages [!] in the Nat. Biorjr. to which the reader is referred. " If parts allure thee, think how Bacon shined. The Wisest, Brightest, Meanest of mankind." Lloyd says of him "that he wits a courtier from his cradle to his grave," arguing however " rather from observation anil his own reasonings than from books," Howell states that " he died so poor that he scarce left money to bury him." His portrait "after P. Oliver, 1620" is engraved in " Doyle. ( b ) See p. 3, note " c," as to her connection with that place. (°) See notice of the previously ennobled bastards of Charles II. in vol. vi, p. 302, note " a," sub " Richmond." ( d ) She, who was da. of Thomas and Eleanor Gwin, was b. 2 Feb. 1650, Borne say in the Coal Yard, Drury lane, others say at Hereford or at Oxford. Her father is said to have died in a prison at Oxford, and her mother " being in drink was drowned in a ditch near Westminster" (Luttrtll), and was bur. 30 July 1679, at St. Martin's in the fields. She herself was, firstly, mistress to Charles Hart, the actor, about 1666