Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/73

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SAYE. 71 XVI. 1 St 7. 16 or 10. Frederick Benjamin (Twisleton, after- wards Tw-isleton-Wykeham-Fiknnes), Lord Save and Sei.k, cousin and li., being 5th but 1st surv. a. of the Hun. Thomas James TwiSLBTON, D.D., Archdeacon <if Colombo, being 1st son by his second wife Anne, da, and coheir of Benjamin Ashk, of Bath, which Thomas James (who d. 15 Aui;. 1821 aged ,11) was next br. to the 11th (or 8th) Lord. He was b. 4 July and bap. 12 .Sep. 1799, at Gayton, CO, Northampton ; ed. at Winchester and at New Coll. Oxford ; B.C.L. 26 March 1825 ; D.C.L. 21 April 1S30 ; took holy orders 1823 ; Hector of Broad well and Addlestrop, co. Glouc, 1825-62 ; 1'reb. of Hereford, 1825 ; Treasurer, 1832 ; Master of St. Ktholbert's Hospital there, 1840 ; Canon Residentiary, 1S-10 ; Archdeacon of Hereford. ISo'l S7. He had previously sue. to the peerage 31 March 1S17, being confirmed therein by the Lords' committee, 16 May 1848. By royal lie. 14 Feb 1S4!>, he took the name of Wyktham-Firmttt after that of Tuislcloii. High Steward of Banbury, 1849. He m. firstly 4 June 1827, at Cheriton, near Saudgate, co. Kent, Emily, da. of Kichard ( WlN(;FIEI.n>, I til Viscount PoWEHSCOl'liT [I.] by his second wife Isabella, da. of the Rt. Hon. William Buowm.ow. She d. 30 Juue 1837, and was bur. at Addlestrop. He m. secondly, IS May 1857, at Addlestrop House, co. Clone, Caroline, 3il da. of Chandos (Leigh), 1st Baron Leigh of Stoneleiuii, by Mar- garctta, da. of the Kev. William Shippen Wn.I.F.3. He d. 2G May 1887 at the Residentiary House, Hereford, aged 87, and was bur. at Broughton afsd. Will pr. at i'14,000. His widow, who was b. (a twin) 18 Feb. 1825, living 1S95. XVII. 1887. 17 or 11. John Fiennes (Twisleton-Wykeiiam- Fiennes, formerly TwiSLKTON), Loud Save and Sele, 1st s. and h.,i. 28 Feb. and bap. April 1830, at Walton on Thames ; ed. at Harrow and at Ch. Ch. Oxford ; sac. to the peerage^) 26 May 1887 ( b ) Hem. 24 April 1856, Augusta Sophia, 5th and yst. da. of George (Hav), EaRL ok KlNNOULL [S.], by Emily Blanche Charlotte, da. of Henry (Somerset), 7th Duke of Beaufoht. She was b. 13 Oct. 1837. Family Estates. — These, in 18S3, consisted of 2,743 acres in Lincolnshire ; 2,461 in Huntingdonshire: 1,623 in Oxfordshire, nod 28 in Worcestershire. Total, 6.S55 acres, worth £12,521 a year. Principal Residence. Broughton Castle, near Banbury, co. Oxon. ( a ) " His Lordship sits in the precedency given by the Patent of 9 Aug. 1603 ; hence it must be inferred that the only Barony which is recognised to be vested in him is that created by that Patent ; but his Lordship is heir general of the body of Sir James Fienes, who was sum. to Pari. 3 Mar. ^1446/7) 25 Hen. VI., and who it would appear from the note on a former page [p. 64, note "d"] was sitting in Pari, on the 5th Mar. by virtue of the Writ issued on the 3rd. If it could be established that Sir James Fienes was never created by Patent to the dignity iu question] with remainder to his heirs male, which is altogether a gratuitous supposition, and of which, according to Mr. Cruise, there does not appear to be any evidence, his Lordship must, it is presumed, be deemed to have inherited a Barony in fee under the Writ of Summons to Sir James Fienes in 1447, but the earliest proof on the Bolls of Parliament of a Lord Say and Sele having been present in Parliament is in 1449. It is also to be observed that the Patent of 9 Aug. 1603 recited the fact that James Fieues was summoned by Writ 3 Mar. 1447, and that on the 5th of the same month he was created in full Parliament a Baron of England by the style, title, and honour of Baron Say and Sele, but mentions no limitation whatever: the only evidence against the Patent of 1603 being a confirmation of the original Barony, to which Sir Richard Fieues was undoubtedly entitled, was the circumstance of his always sitting as junior Barou, but this was by special proviso" [Courthope.] Nicolas [p. 35 of his " Corrigenda "] observes hereon that " the only claim which appears feasible to the Barony or. [by writ] in 1447, consists in establishing that uo patent limiting the dignity to the heirs male of Sir James Fienes ever passed, and consequently that it originated in a writ of summons," as, for instance, if it could be proved that Lord Saye and Sele sat in the house " between the day on which the writ was tested and that on wdiich he is said to have been or. to that dignity iu full Pari, with rem. to his heirs male." It should be remembered that the person con- armed iu the Barony of 1603 was (unlike the person continued therein iu 1781) heir male of the body, as well as heir general, of the Baron of 1313. ( b ) He appears as a director of 4 Companies, in a list made in Oct. 1894, of Peers who held thiit or any greater amount. See note sub " Tweeddale."