Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/75

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SCALES. 73 VI. 1102. 6, Robert (tie Scales'*, Lord Scales, s. ami h., 6. 1396 ; aged 6 anil above, on the death of his father, and 18 and above, 00 that of his grandmother in 1415. He was never stun, to Pari. He not improbably m. Elizabeth, da. of Thomas (Bahdou-h), I.ohd lUllDni.PH, which Elizabeth was bur. at Halvcrgate, co. Norfolk. M.I.(») He d. s.p. 1 July 1419. Esch. 7 Hen. V.( b ) VII. 1419. 7. Thomas (, Lord Scales, br. anil h. He matin proof of his age and did homage for his estates, 28 Feb. 1420/1, and was sum. to Patl.C) from 13 Jan. (1444/.V, 23 Hen. VI. to 9 Oct. (1 459), 38 Hen. VI. He greatly distinguished himself in the wars with France, especially in 1436, against the rebellion of the Normans, after the Heath of the Regent Bedford, for which service he was granted a yearly pension of £100 : was in the embassy to France to negotiate peace, 1443; Seneschal of Normandy, 144S ; took a prominent part in suppressing the rebellion of Jack Cade" in 1450, aud was a staunch adherent of the house uf Lancaster. He m. about 1433. Emma, da. of John Walesborouoh, of co. Devon, by Joan. da. of ( — j HaLkiuh. He d. s p.m. 25 July 1460.( J ) Inq. p. m., Oct. 1160, at Lynn Episcopi. VIII. 1460, S. Elizabeth, mo juve Baroness Scales, only da. and to h.,( e ) who at her father's death in 1460, was aged 24 and upwards, 1483. anil then late wife of Henry BoCROHIEB deceased, a younger son of Henry, Earl ok Essex. She m. secondly, " either in 1461 or 1462 "{'■) as is stated below. She d. s.p. 2 Sep. 1473. Inq. p. m. at Hertford, 28 Oct. 1485. Snt Anthony Wydviltjb was the 2.1 husband uf the above, whom she m. "either in 1461 or 1462,"( r ) he being at that date s. and h. tip. of Richard, Baron Hivkks. afterwards, 1466, EaRL Riveiis. He was b. 1442 ; hiighted before Jan. 1460 anil was, in consequence of the above marriage, (S) sum. to Parl.Q as LOUD SCALES, by writs directed " Domino Scales " from 22 Dec. (146*2", 2 Ed. IV. to 28 Feb. (1465/6) 5 Ed. IV. He sue. his father as EARL RIVERS, See., on 12 Aug. 1469. He >». {") There is a brass there to Elizabeth, da. of the " Lord Bardolf," wife of Thomas [«'■.] Lord Scales. See " N. <C- Q., 6th S. XII., 426, where it is (with probability) suggested that "Thomas" is a mistake for "Robert." — Blomefield {"Norfolk" x, 23), makes this Elizabeth to be a first wife of Robert, the 5th Lord Scales, who d. in 1402, while Hnrke {extinct l'eiraye) makes her the only wife of the said Robert and the lady who had for her second husband, Sir Henry Percy. There is, however, no mention at all of this Elizabeth Bardolph in Chester Waters's work, see p. 72, note " a." ( b ) There is some contradiction about his age. By a precipe of Hen. V., dat. 28 Feb. 1421, seisin of his estates was given to his br. Thomas, he being described as " Robert, s. of liobert Scales, Chevalier, who had lately died dum iujra ctatem et in cuslodia nostra fuit." This, however, is inconsistent with his having been born in 1396, which appears from other documents, as also with the age of his br. Thomas. See references as on p. 72, note " e." ( c ) There is proof in the rolls of Pari, of his sitting. C) He is said by Story to have been murdered, but Dugdale merely states that 'he departed this life." The following is the account of his death in "Three loth century Chronicles," [p. 169 as pub. by the Camden Soc] " Redditii Turre (London) . . . Dorainus Scales in uocte Sancte Margarete [1460] volens in oimba evadere ab iusidiantibus sibi, captus et interfectus est." (") Her br. Thomas (the h. ap.) had d. v.p. probably in infancy. ( f ) See statement of "J. H. Ramsay" in "Genealogist" N. S. vol. v, p. 103. I g ) The following " List of Barons jure Uxorum " [6 Mar. 1588/9] is from the Hist. J'S. Com, :— Hatfield House MS. Pt. iii, p. 395. " Bnrgavenny, Furnival, Faucon- oridge, Cobban- (Brooke) Cobham (Oldcastle) Morley, Welles and Willoughby, Bonvyle and Harrington, Scales, Dacres, Strange, Barnes, Kydwelley Ferris, Beverstou, Wenne, Suuth Tyndall, Folkestone, Mulgrave, Ewas Harold."