Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/79

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SCARBROUOH — .SOARS DALE. 77 1785; Hector tit Wiutringham, co. Lincoln, and (1 703> of Thornhill, co. York ; took the name of Savilc by royal lie. 28 Sep. 1807; sue. to the peerage 17 June 1832. He hi. 5 Nov. 1785, at St. James's, Bristol, Anna Maria, da. of Julines Herring, of Hey- bridge, co. Essex, and of Paul Island iu Jamaica. He d. 24 Feb. 1S35 aged 71, through a fall from his horse, when bunting near Doncaster, and was bur. at Saxilby, co. Lincoln. Will ]>r. May 1835, and again March 183S. His widow, who was b- 1 March lSlili at Paul Island afsd., il, 10 March 1850, iu her 85th year, aud was bur. at Saxilby. Will pr. Aug. 1850. VIII. 183'). S. Jonx (Lumlev-Savile, formerly Lumley), Earl OF SCiRBROUGH, &c, also Viscount Lumley OF Waterkoud [I.], 2d hut onlj eiirv. s. and □.,(») b. 18 July 1788 and bap. at Bramlev, co. York ; ed. (as a Fellow <J..m.) at Trill. Hall, Cambridge ; M . A . 1 July 1S11 ; M.P. for Notts, 1826-32, and for North Notts, 1832-35; styled Viscount Lumley from 1832 till he nue. to the peerage, as above, 21 Feb. 1835 : was authorised by royal lie. 11 Oct. 1836, to take the name of .S'./riiY after that of Lumley; L.-Lietit. of Notts, 1839. He d. num. and s.p. legit. 29 Oct. 185(3, at his seat, Sandheck Park, co. York, aged 08, and was bur. at Saxilby afsd. Will .lit. 23 June 1837, to 14 Aug. 1350, pr. April 1857.( b ) IX. 1S5G. 0. Richard George (Lumley), Earl op Scarisrough, Sec, also Viscobst Lumley of Waterford [I.], cousin and b. male, being only s. and h. of Frederick, formal), rf Tickhill Castle, co. York, by Charlotte Mary, da. of the Itt Rev. George dk la PoKH Berks- initn, Lord Bishop of Kilmore, which Frederick (who, by act of Pari. 1S34, took the addit. name of Hut He, and d. 27 Feb. 1837, aged -19), was only s. aud h. of the Hon. Frederick LuMLKY, of Tickhill Castle afsd. (rf. 20 Sep. 1S31, aged 09) the 5th and >st. s. cf Hichard, the 4th Earl. He was b. 7 May 1813 at Tickhill Castle; sometime (1831-37) an officer in the 7th Hussars ; Lieut. Col. 1st West York Yeomanry, 1852-59 ; sue. to the pen age 29 Oct. 1850. He m. S Oct. 1810, at Fawley, near Southampton. Frederic* Mary Adeliza, 2d da. of Andrew Robert Dhummond, of Cadlands I'ark. Hants, by Elizabeth Frederica, da. of John Henry (Manners), 5th Di ke OK Rutland. He d. 5 Dec. 1884, at Sandbeck Park afsd., aged 71. Will pr. 21 Dec. 1884, above £99,000. His widow living 1895. [Lytjuh-Richard-William-Oranby Lumley, styled Viscount Lum- ley, 1st «. and h up., b. 7 June 1S50 : rf. uuui. and v. p. 23 Aug. 1SG8, aged 18, after a long illness, at Sandbeck Park afsd.] X. 1SS4. 10. Aldrbd Frederick George I'.eresford (Lumley), Earl of Scarbrough [1690], Viscount Lumley of Castlk [1089], and Baron Lumley ok Lumley Castlk [1081], also Viscount Lumley of WaTERFORD, in the peerage of Ireland [1028], 2il but 1st surv. s. and h., h. 10 Nov. 1857; styled Viscount Lumley, 180S-S4 ; ed. at Eton ; sometime (1870-83) an officer in the 7th Hussars ; L. Lieut, of the West Riding of Yorkshire ; sue. to the peerage as above, 5 Dec. 1884. Family /Cstates. — These, in 1883. consisted of 11,270 acres in Lincolnshire, 8,040 in the West Riding of Yorkshire, and 1.7S8 in Durham. Total 21,098 acres, worth £31,597 a year. Principal Residences. Sandbeck Park, near Rotheram, ami Tickhill Castle, both ill co. York ; Lumley Castle, near Durham, aud Glentworth, CO. Lincoln. SOAKS DALE. Earldom. 1. Sir Francis Luke, Unit., of Sutton in Scarsdalo, co. I. 1 G 4 r> ^erby, s - »nd h. of Sir Francis Lekk,(') of the same (rf. 1620), by his first wife, Frances, da. and coheir of Robert SWIFT, of llayton, co. York was b. before 1581 ; M.P. for Derbyshire, 1601 : knighted, 14 March (") His eldest br. George Augusta Lumley, b. 10 Nov. 1786, and bap. at Thornhill, <L at Footherley, co. Stafford, num. and v. p. 18 July 1807, aud was bar. at Shenstone. ( b ) He devised RuH'ord abbey, co. Notts (the Savile estates) to his illegit. sons successively, of whom one was or, in 1SS8, Baron Savile of Rufford. {') A veiy elaborate pedigree of Leeke was entered (4 D. xiv, pp. 89-103), in 1717 at the Cull, of Anns.