Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/81

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SCARSDALE. 79 s.p.m. 1671! by Sarah, da. nnd coheir of Sir Thomas Foote, Bart., of London. She d. 17 and was bur. 20 Feb. 1683/4, in Westm. Abbey, in her 25th year.(") He( b ) d. 8.p.B. in his house in Duke street. 27 Dec. 1707, aged . r >3( !l ), and was bur. 4 Jan. 1707/8 as nfsd. Will dat. 9 Jan. 1702/3, pr. 2 Jan. 1 707/8. (") IV. 1707, 4- Nicholas (Leke), Karl op Scarsdale [1645], to Rakon DEINCOfRT of St'TTON [1021], also a Baronet [1611], nephew 1730. and h.. being 1st and only snrv. s. and b. of the Hon. Richard Leke Id. 16 April 1687), by Mary,( J ) da. of Sir John Molyneitx, 4th Bart, of Teversah co. Nottingham, which Richard was only br. of the late Peer. He was b. about KiS-2 ; ed. at Oxford ; cr. D.C.L., 26 April 1706 ; sue. to the peerage. 27 Oct. 1717, taking his seat 8 Jan. following : L. Lieut, of Derbyshire, 1711-14 ; Envoy to Vienna, 1712. He d. num. 17 July 1736. when all hit honours became extinct.^) Will directing his burial to be at Sutton, pr. 7 Dec. 1736. Barony. i. Sir Nathaniel Curzon, Bart. [S. j, of Kedleulon, I 1 7GI c "' r)l ' ,,, y- ]st s - mi M 1 ) " f Sir Nathaniel Curzon, 4th Bart, of the same, by Mary, 2d da. and coheir of Sir Ralph AssHETON, 2d Hart., of Middleton, co Lancaster, was b. in Queen square, aud bap. 19 Jan. 1720/7, at St. George the Martyr; mat. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.J, 14 Feb. 1744/5; a: D.C.L. 14 April 1749 : was M.l for Clithel 1748-54, and for Derbyshire 1754-61. He was rr. 9 April 1761. BAKON SCARSDALE. co. Derby, and was sometime Chainnan of the Committee for privileges in the house of Lords. He in. 27 Oct. 1750, at St. Geo. Han. Sq., Caroline, 1st da. of Charles t'Colyear), 2d Haul or Poht- mohe [S.]. by Juliana, Dow. DUCHESS OV LEEDS, da. and coheir of Roger Hale. He A at Kedleston, 3 Dec. 1804, in his 78th year. (*) Willpr.1805. His widow, who was b. Dec. 1733, d. ~ Feb. 1S12, in Bolton street, aged 79. Will pr. 1812. II. 1801. S. Nathaniel (Curzon), Baron Scarsdale, l?t s, and h.. I: 27 Sep. 1751, mat. at Oxford (Oh. Ch.) 19 Jan. 176S ; cr. M.A. 16 March 1771 ; M.P. for Derbyshire I77. r >-S4 ; sue. to the pen-age 5 Dec. 1S04. He in. firstly, 11 Aug. 1 777, at St. Marylebone, Sophia Susanna, 3d da. of Edward (N'oei. 1st Viscount VVBNTWOKTH, by Judith, da. and h. of William Lamb. She, who was 4 21 March 1758, at Kitkby Mallory, co. Leicester, d. 28 June 1782, ami was bur. 8 July at Kedleston. He m. secondly (date unknown) Eelicite Anne Josephe I)E Wattinks, a native of Tournay. He d. 27 Jan. 1837 at Kedleston afad , ami was bur. there, aged S3 and 1 months. Will pr. Aug. 1837. His widow d. 16 Dec. 1800, aged 81, at Barrow Hall. Will pr. May 1851. III. 1S37. 3. Nathaniel (C urzon), Baron Scarsdale, 1st s. and h., by first wife. 4. 3 and bap. 15 Jan. 1781, at St. Marylebone. By the death of his maternal uncle, Viscount Wentworth, he became, 17 April 1815, one of the two coheirs to the ancient Barony of Wentworth. He (/. until, at Farnah. co. Derby, 12 and was bur, 19 Nov. 1856, at Kedleston, aged 75. Will pr. 1S57. '■*) The coffin plate gives the age as abovestated. (■>) A letter of A. I'y« to A. Hurley, dat. 30 May 1685, shews that he declined a second marriage. " Lord Thoinond's daughter, one of our great beauties, last Sunday fell raving mud, and so continues, for love of Lord Scarsdale, who refuses to many her ( c ) He leaves no less than £1,000 to " Mrs. Anne Bracegirdle," i.e., the well-known actress, who was bur, at a great age, 18 Sep. 1748, in Westiu. Abbey. ( d ) They were married 6 Dec. 1680. (*) The Hist. Hep. says that " he left a considerable estate to Mr. Leake, a near relation." His will mentions Nicholas Letke and Seymour Leeke (then 15 and at Westm. school) us named in a settlement of his estates and leaves them the residue of his personalty. ( f ) His only br., Asshetou Curzon, was cr. Baron and Viscount Curzon of Penn aud was father of Richard William 1'enn, cr. in 1821 Earl Howe. (8) The " Annual Reg." mentions " his exquisite tuste for the fine arts," adding that ' his noble mansion at Kedleston will remain a monument of it to posterity."