Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/102

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52 COMPLETE PEERAGE aboyne a year. Total 40,519 acres, worth ;^ 5,03 5 a year. Principal Residence — Inverlochie Castle, near Kingussie, co. Inverness. The estate of Abinger, Surrey, was subsequently sold to Sir T. H. Farrer, who, in 1893, was cr. Baron Farrer of Abinger. See " Farrer of Abinger, " co. Surrey, Barony (Farrer), cr. 1893. ABOUKIR See " Abercromby of Aboukir, i^c, " Barony ( Abercromby), cr. 1 801. ABOYNE i.e., "Aboyne " Barony [S.] (Gordon), cr. 1627, with the Viscountcy of IVIelgum [S.], which see ; extinct 1630. VISCOUNTCY [S.] I. George Gordon, j/y/^d' Lord Gordon, ' and sometimes Earl of Enzie, s. and h. I. 1632. ap. of George, 6th Earl and ist Marquess of Huntly [S.], and elder br. of John Gordon who had been cr. Lord Aboyne and Viscount Melgum [S.] in 1627, was, soon after the death of his said younger br. (who d., s.p.m., Oct. 1630), by patent dat. 20 Apr. 1632, at Whitehall (reciting " the lamentable death of the late Viscount of Melgum "), cr. VISCOUNT ABOYNE [S.], with a spec. rem. after his father's or his own death (whichever should first happen), to his 2nd s. James Gordon and the heirs male of his body. This rem. took effect on the death of the Marquess (his father), 13 June 1636, when he, the said George Gordon, became 2nd Marquess of Huntly [S.], and his yr. s. sue. (as below) to the Viscountcy. ^ en .J <f> " o >■ rt to "3 u O < — 1 II. 1636101649. 2. James (Gordon), Viscount Aboyne [S.], 2nd s., but h. to the title under the spec. rem. He was a con- sistent and active but inefficient supporter of the Royal Cause, on which behalf he took and held Dumfries. He was defeated by Montrose (then fighting for the Covenanters) at the Bridge of Dee, 19 June 1639. He was excommunicated by the Gen. Assembly at Edinburgh, 24 Apr. 1644. He joined Montrose in Menteith in Apr. 1645, and his defection from him at Philiphaugh, 13 Sep. 1645, ruined the King's cause in Scotland. On 2 July following he became (by the death of his elder br.) ist surv. s. and h. ap. of his father. He was excepted from pardon in 1648, and made his