Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/107

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AGHADOE COMPLETE PEERAGE 57 16 Aug. 1847), of Stratford Grove, Essex, by Marianne, da. of John Morgan, of Bramfield place, Herts, was b. 2 i Mar. 1 805, at Stratford afsd. Head of the firm of" J. Hubbard &" Co, " Russia Merchants, St. Helen's place, London ; a director and sometime Governor of the Bank of England; Chairman of the Public Works and Exchequer Loan Committees, 1853-75; M.P. (Conservative) for Buckingham 1858-68, and for London 1874-87; P.C. 1874. On 22 July 1887, he was cr. BARON ADDINGTON, of Addington, Bucks. (") He m., 19 May 1837, at Kew, Maria Margaret, 1st da. of William John (Napier), 9th Lord Napier of Merchistoun [S.], by Eliza, da. of the Hon. James Cochrane-Johnstone. He d. 28 Aug. 1889, at Addington Manor afsd., in his 85th year. (") Will pr. Mar. 1890, at ;{^ 1 1 1,985. His widow, who was b. 18 Mar. 1 817, at Edinburgh, ^.18 Apr. 1896, at Addington Manor, aged 79. n. 1889. 2. Egerton (Hubbard), Baron Addington, ist s. and h., b. 29 Dec. 1842, at 26 Sussex Sq., Padding- ton ; ed. at Radley, and at Ch. Ch., Oxford ; B.A. (ist class Hist.) 1865 ; M.A. 1866 ; partner in his father's firm in London, and in that of "Egerton Hubbard &" Co." of St. Petersburg ; M.P. for Buckingham 1874-80, and for North Bucks 1886-89. He m., 3 June 1880, at Oakley, Hants, Mary Adelaide, 3rd da. of Sir Wyndham Spencer Portal, ist Bart., of Malshanger House, Hants, by Mary Jane, ist da. of William Hicks Beach, of Oakley Hall, in that county. She was L 20 Mar. 1856, at Malshanger afsd. [John Gellibrand Hubbard, s. and h. ap., b. at 23 Cadogan Place, Chelsea, 7 June, and bap. 18 July 1883, at Addington. Ed. at Eton ; matric. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.) Oct. 1902 ; B.A. 7 Nov. 1906 (2nd class Mod. Hist.)] Family Estates. — These, in 1883, consisted of 2,576 acres in Bucks, Beds, and Kent, worth ;^4,887 a year. Principal Seat. — Addington Manor, near Winslow, Bucks. AGHADOE i.e., " Allanson and Winn of Aghadoe, co. Kerry, " Barony [I.] {fFinn), cr. 1797 with the Barony of Headley [I], which see. Henry VIII) to Hubbert of Calais of a shield of Azure with a cheveron silver between three swans' heads razed of the same, with golden crowns for collars, {ex inform. Oswald Barron.) V.G. C) Eight other Baronies had been already cr. that month (i to 9 July), on the occasion of Queen Victoria's (first) "jubilee. " See note sub Cheylesmore. C) He was author of several financial pamphlets, e.g., The Currency of the Country, Reform or Repeal the Income Tax, etc. 9