Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/118

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68 COMPLETE PEERAGE air MARQUESSATE. 2. Archibald (Kennedy), Marquess of Ailsa, ■RARONY ^yc, [U.K.], also Earl of Cassillis, (fXc. [S.], grandson and h., being s. and h. of Archibald Ken- II. 1846. nedy, sty/ed Earl Cassillis, and Eleanor, his wife, abovenamed. He was /J-. 25 Aug. 18 16. Ed. at Westminster. Lieut. Rifle Brigade i 833. Capt. 17th Lancers 1838. Lord Lieut, of Ayrshire, 1861. K.T. 7 Mar. 1859. He w., 10 Nov. 1846, in London, Julia, 2nd da. of Sir Richard Mounteney Jephson, ist Bart., by his 2nd wife, Charlotte Rochfort, da. of Lieut. Gen. Sir John Smith, K-CB. He d. 20 Mar. 1870, at Culzean Castle, from injuries received in the hunting field. His widow rf'. at 19 Pont Str., S.W., 1 i, and was l>ur. 17 Jan. 1899, at Culzean Castle. Will pr. 22 Feb. 1899, above ;^34,ooo. III. 1870. 3. Archibald (Kennedy) Marquess of Ailsa and Baron Ailsa [U.K.], also Earl of Cassillis and Lord Kennedy [S.], s. and h., l^. i Sep. 1847. Ed. at Eton. An officer in the Coldstream Guards 1866-70. He ;«., istly, 7 Mar. 1871, at St. Geo., Han Sq., Evelyn, 3rd da. of Charles (Stuart), Lord Blantyre [S.], by Evelyn, 2nd da. of George Granville (Sutherland-Leveson-Gower), 2nd Duke of Sutherland. She was ;^. 24 June 1848, and d. 26 July 1888, at Culzean. Will resealed 31 Dec. 1888, above ;^ 17,000 personalty [E. and S.]. He m., 2ndly, 3 Nov. 1891, at St. Andrew's, Edinburgh, Isabella, only da. of Hugh MacMaster, a market gardener, of Kausani, in the North-West Provinces of India. [Archibald Kennedy, styled Earl of Cassillis, s. and h. ap. by ist. wife, i. 22 May 1872, in Berkeley Sq., Midx. Capt. Royal Scots Fusiliers, served in S. Africa 1900-02 (2 medals and 5 clasps). (") Advocate Edin- burgh, 1897. He m., 20 Apr. 1903, at Ardwell, co. Wigtown, Frances Emily, 3rd da. of Sir Mark John MacTaggart-Stewart, ist Bart., [1892], by Marianne Susanna, only child of John Orde Ommaney.] Family Estates. — These, in 1883, consisted of 76,015 acres in co. Ayr, of the annual value of C'^sfi'^S- 'Principal Residences. — Culzean Castle, and Newark Castle, co. Ayr. AIR VISCOUNTCY. I. William (Crichton), Lord Crichton of San- T ^ QUHAR [S.], was, by patent dat. at Newmarket, 2 Feb. • ^^-^- 1622, cr. LORD OF SANQUHAR and VISCOUNT awkwardness, nor that of a country tailor, can spoil the look of blood and a very pleasing manner." (Ch. Kirkpatrick Sharpe, Aug. 1817.) He was a sportsman and a great gambler, who dissipated his own and his wife's fortune. It appears from Chanc. Proceedings, 15 July 181 8, as to her mar. settlement, that she had landed estate in Scotland valued at between ;^3O0O and ^^4000 p.a., and ;^30,ooo in Bank Stock. {Annual Reg., 1818.) V.G. (") For a list of peers, and heirs ap. of peers, serving in this war, see vol. iii, Appendix B.