Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/134

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84 COMPLETE PEERAGE ALBANY Palazzo Compagnoni-Marefoschi, at Macerata in the March of Ancona, on Good Friday, 1 7 Apr. 1 772, Louise Maximilienne Caroline Emmanuele,() 1st da. and coh. of Gustav Adolf, Prince of Stolberg-Gedern, by Elisabeth Philippine Claud, 2nd da. and coh. of Maximilian Emmanuel, Prince of Hornes and of the Empire. He d. of paralysis, (") s.p. legit, if) (") For her descent from Thomas (Bruce), 2nd Earl of Ailesbury, see p. 60, note " e, " and for her descent from George, Duke of Clarence, see Ruvigny's Blood Royal of Britain. ("') " He goes regularly to the theatre, and always falls asleep at the end of the first act, being generally intoxicated. His face is red and his eyes fiery, otherwise he is not an ill looking man. The Countess is not handsome, being black and sallow, with a pug nose. Alfieri the Piedmontese is a constant attendant in her box. " (Swin- burne, Courts of Europe^ V.G. f^) Two brothers (well known in London Society) claimed to be his legit, grand- sons, vi%. (i) John Sobieski Stuart, " Count cC A lb ante, " who (with his br.) served in the advanced Guard of the French army at Waterloo, and d. s.p.., (ii) Charles Edward Stuart, " Count d' A Ih ante, " who left an only s., Charles Edward Louis Casimir Stuart, " Count d^ Albanie, " sometime Col. in the Austrian army, who d.i.p. (see pedigree below). The father of the two brothers abovenamed appears to have been Capt. Thomas Allen, R.N. (yr. s. of Admiral John Carter Allen, an adherent of the House of Hanover, who was a claimant to the Earldom of Erroll [S.]), but according to their own account he was James Stuart, " Count dAlhanie, " legit, s. of the titular Charles III, though passed off by Adm. Allen as his own son. This tale, however, is conclusively refuted in an excellent article in the Quarterly Review for June 1847. See also Northern Notes and Queries, vol. iv, pp. 140 and 189, and vol. v, p. 45, as also an exhaustive article in the Genealogical Mag., (1897) vol. i, p. 21. The following pedigree of these gentlemanly impostors may be of interest. John Carter Allen, afterwards Admiral of the White, (lY. 2 Oct. 1 800, leaving ^100 to his 2nd s. Thomas, but ;^2,2oo to an elder s.) said to have taken charge of (as his own s.) a s. of Charles Edward, b. 1773, (the year after the marriage with Louise of Stolberg) 'via. Capt. Thomas Allen, R.N., yr. s. {b. 1773) so named in the Admiral's=Katherine, da. of the Rev. will, but in 1822 called " Thomas Hay Allan, of Hay " and afterwards " James, Count d'Albanie. " He J. 14 Feb. 1852, at 22 Henr)' Str., Clerkenwell, and was bur. at Old St. Pancras. He was sometimes known by the name of Salmon. John Hay Allen, afterwards called John Sobieski Stolberg Stuart, Count d'Albanie, 1st. s., m. Georgiana, 2nd da. of Edward Kendall J. P., of Anstey, co. Warwick. He il.s.f. 1 3 Feb. 1872, and was bur. at Eskdale, CO. Inverness, aged 74. His widow J. at Bath, 13 Feb. 1888. i Charles Stuart Hay Allen, after- wards called Charles Edward St uart,Count d'Albanie, b. 4 June 1799, at Versailles, 2nd and yst. s., m. 9 Oct, 1822, in London, Anna Gardiner, widow, da. of the Rt. Hon. John de la Poer Beresford. He J. 25 Dec. 1880, and was bur. at Eskdale, aged 8 1 . [ Owen Manning, Vicar of Godalming, m. there 2 Oct. 1792. I Catherine Ma-=Count Ferdi- tilda, only da. nand de Lan- I castro. Count Charles Ferdinand Montesino de Lancastro et d'Albanie, only s., </. 28 Sep. 1873, in London. Alice Mary EmiIy,::=:Charles 3rd da. of William Louis George (Hay), iSth Earl of Erroll, m. 16 May 1874, and d. 7 June 1 88 1. Edward Casimir Stuart, Count d'Albanie, only s., d.s.p. 8 May 1882, aged 57. Mary, d. unm. 22 Aug. 1873, at Beaumanoir on the Loire. . I Louisa Sobieska, m. Ed- ward, Count von Piatt, of the Austrian Imp. Body Guard. She was living 1890. I Alfred Edward, only s. Clementina, a nun, living 1890.