Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/136

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86 COMPLETE PEERAGE albany Mr. William Johnson and Lady Charlotte Pitt. She was legitimated by her father as Duchess of Albany, (") by deed dat. 30 Mar. 1783, and recorded in the Pari, of Paris 6 Sep. 1784. She d. unm., in the Palace of Prince Giovanni Lambertini at Bologna, 17 Nov. 1789, of an abscess in the side, and was bur. there in the Church of St. Biagio. () See "YORK AND ALBANY, " Duke of; cr. 1717, extinct 1728. „ J, „ cr. 1760, extinct 1767. » » )> cr. 1784, extinct 1827. DUKEDOM [U.K.] i. H.R.H. Leopold George Duncan Albert, I. 1 88 1. Prince of Great Britain and Ireland, also Duke of Saxony, 4th and yst. s. of Queen Victoria, b. 7 Apr. 1853, at Buckingham Palace, Midx., and bap. there 28 June following ; Matric. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.) 1872 ; P.C. 1874 ; D.C.L. Oxford 30 May 1876 ; F.S.A. 1876 ; K.G. 24 May 1869 ; K.T. 24 May 1871 ; G.C.S.I. 25 Jan. 1877 ; G.CM.G- 24 May 1880 ; and knight of several foreign orders ; on 24 May 1 88 1 he was cr. BARON ARKLOW, Q EARL OF CLARENCE, and DUKE OF ALBANY. Appointed Col. in the Army and Hon. Col. 3rd Seaforth Highlanders, 1882. He w., 27 Apr. 1882, at St. George's Chapel, Windsor, Helene Friederike Auguste, 5th da. of Georg Victor, reigning Prince of Waldeck. and Pyrmont, by Helene Wilhelmine Henriette Pauline Mariane, 6th da. of Georg Wilhelm August Heinrich Belgicus, Duke of Nassau. He </. suddenly, at the Villa Nevada, Cannes, in the South of France, in his 31st year, 28 Mar., and was bur. 5 Apr. 1884, in St. George's Chapel, Windsor. (■*) His widow was b. 17 Feb. 1 86 1, at Arolsen, in the Principality of Waldeck. Living 1909. (") Her father in his will, 22 Oct. 1784, made her his universal heir: — "S.A.R. la Sig. Carlotta Stuart Duchessa d'Albany mia figlia naturale nata da me e dalla Sig. Clementina Walingshu in detto tempo ambedue in stato libero legittimata e restituita pienamente ai legittimi natali con una legittimazione plenaria per atto inserito nel Parlamento di Parigi con approvazione del Ri di Francia... gli 6 Settembre 1784." (A. von Reumont, ut supra^ vol. ii, p. 317). {ex inform. G. VV. Watson.) V.G. C") The notice in the necrology of that church is as follows: — " 1789, 17 Novembr. Carlotta ex regio sanguine Stuardo, Filia Caroli III quondam lacobi idem III Angliae Regis, nata Leodii anno 1753, BuUonii enutrita, postea Luthetiae Parisiorum educata,... xv Kal. decembris ad primam noctis horam... regia virgo obdormivit in Domino." (A. von Reumont, ibid., vol. ii, p. 321). (ex inform. G. W. Watson.) V.G. (°) A title being taken from each of the 3 Kingdoms, according to the general practice in the Royal Family since the reign of George III. {*) In the leading article of '■'■The Times" newspaper, 29 Mar. 1884, is an appreciative notice of this amiable and cultivated young man.