Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/154

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I04 COMPLETE PEERAGE alderhurst being introduced ii Feb. 1896. (") Trustee of the Nat. Portrait Gallery 1891-1907. He m., 6 May 1845, ^^ Thorpe, Surrey, Louisa Anne, (") 3rd da. of William Adams, LL.ID., Fellow of the College of Advocates, Doctors Commons, London, by Mary Anne, (°) 3rd da. of the Hon. William Cockayne, C) of Rushton Hall, co. Northampton, niece and coh. of Borlase, 6th Viscount Cullen [L]. She, who was b. at 36 Southampton Row, 10 Sep. and bap. 9 Nov. 1818, at St. Geo., Bloomsbury, d. at St. Dunstan's, Regent's Park, 1 7, and was bur. 2 1 April 1 8 9 7, at Aldenham, aged 7 8 . He d. at Aldenham, 13, and was bur. there 18 Sep. 1907, aged 88. Will dat. 19 Mar. to 28 Aug. 1906, pr. Dec. 1907, over ^703,700 gross. (°) He was sue. by his s. and h., who is outside the scope of this work. Family Estates. — These, in 1909, consisted of 3035 acres in Herts ; 1,309 in Oxon, 107 in Midx, and 21 in Berks. Total. — 4,472 acres, worth

{^9,438 a year. Principal Seat. — Aldenham House, near Elstree, Herts.

See "Acton of Aldenham, Salop," Barony {Acton), cr. 1869. ALDERHURST See "Thring of Alderhurst, Surrey," Barony (T)^n«^), cr. 1886. nebuly sable. The like arms without the border were borne by Gibbes of Venton in Devonshire, with whom the Aldenham family were connected, but from whom their descent is not established, [ex inform. Oswald Barron.) V.G. (°) This was one of no less than 8 introductions on the same date, viz., i Earl (Carrington), i Viscount (Peel of Sandy), and 6 Barons (Burghclere of Walden, James of Hereford, Glenesk, Rathmore of Shanganagh, Pirbright, and Aldenham). () Her yst. br., George Edward Cokayne (formerly Adams), h. 29 Apr. 1825, was the original compiler of this work, and her 3rd s., Vicary Gibbs, b. 12 May 1853, is responsible for the 2nd edition. V.G. {^) She was granted, by Royal Warrant, dated 4 Sep. 1838, the precedency of the da. of a Viscount. C) In the time of his father (the 5th Viscount, who enjoyed that title above 86 years,) 17 16, the spelling was altered from Cokayne to Cockayne. C') The Bp. of St. Albans, in an address at Hitchin, 30 Oct. 1907, says of him: — "Rarely are so many gifts and graces combined in a single person... Rare culture, princely liberality, and admirable judgment were the embellishments, known and read of all men, of a character that was above all things essentially Christian. It is for the deep humility, the earnest devotion, the fervent faith, the large charity, the loving churchmanship of the man that we specially thank God. " In person he was tall, dark, handsome, and of fine presence ; in manners, bright, gracious, and unassuming ; in intellect, quick and versatile, having a brain stored with varied information which he would impart in the most pleasant and modest fashion ; in character, loyal, gentle, and affectionate. He had a remarkable memory and gift for languages, and made a special study of philology, and of currency questions. A staunch, outspoken Church- man and Tory, he yet contrived to maintain the friendliest relations with those who differed from him in opinion. V.G.