Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/165

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ALTHAM COMPLETE PEERAGE 115 Ursula, da. and in her issue sole h. of Sir Robert Markham, 2nd Bart., by Mary, da. and coh. of Sir Thomas Widdrington. He d. 26 Apr. 1699, of apoplexy, in London, or at Bath, Somerset. Admon. 31 July 1699, and II Jan. 1699/1700 [I.], granted to his widow. She, who was b, in London, i Jan. 1678, w., 1701, Samuel Ogle, M.P., Commissioner of the Revenue in Ireland. He d. 10 Mar. 171 8. Will. pr. by his widow, 14 May 1719. She w., 3rdly, 29 Dec. 1720, William Vesey, M.P., and was bur. 16 May 1725, at St. Peter's, Dublin. n. 1699. 2. James George (Annesley), Baron Altham [L], only s. and h. by 2nd wife. He d. an infant in 1697 or 1700. Admon. [I.] 15 Oct. 1702 to his mother. III. 1700. ? 3. Richard (Annesley), Baron Altham [I.], uncle and h., according to the spec. rem. in the patent. Matric, at Oxford (Magd. Coll.), 15 Sep. 1669, being then aged 14 ; M.A. i Feb. 1 670/1 ; B.D. 1677 ; D.D. 1689 ; Preb. of Westm. 20 Sep. 1679 ; Preb. of Exeter 23 Mar. 1 680/1 ; Dean of Exeter 7 Apr. 168 i. He never took his seat in the House of Lords. He m.^ before 1689, Dorothy, da. of John Davey, of Ruxford, Devon. He d. in London, 19, and was bur. 25 Nov. 1 70 1, in Westm. Abbey. Will dat. 6 Oct. 1694, pr. 6 July 17 13 (sic). His widow's will (in which she directs to be bur. either in Westm. Abbey or Exeter Cathedral) dat. 30 June 171 5, pr. 18 Feb. 1717/8. IV. 1701. 4. Arthur (Annesley), Baron Altham [I.], 1st s. and h., 12 years old in 1701. He took his seat 9 July 171 1. He w., istly, when a minor, 8 Apr. 1703, at St. Margaret's, Westm., Phillips, da. (") of John (Thompson), ist Baron Haversham, by his ist wife, Frances, da. of Arthur (Annesley), ist Earl of Anglesey. She d. s.p.. May 1704. Admon. 22 June 1 704, to Dorothy, Dowager Baroness Altham, mother and guardian of her husband, and again 18 Jan. 1708/9, to her said husband, he having attained the age of 21. He m., 2ndly, 22 July 1707, also at St. Margaret's, Westm., Mary Sheffield, Spinster, illegit. da. of John (Sheffield), Duke of Buckingham. She was separated from her husband 1717, when he established another person, Joan Landy (whom he called " Lady Altham ") in her place. He d. (as was supposed (*) s.p.s.) at Inchicore, death and great loss of Lord Altamonts' [j/'c] Lady, who d. this sennight of small pox. " (Letter of Roger Herbert to the Earl of Rutland, 10 June 1684.) V.G. C) See Luttrell, Diary. ("') By the trial in the Irish Exchequer, mentioned below, the truth of the fol- lowing statements, which appear more fully in a publication entitled The adventures of an unfortunate young Nobleman, seems to be established. It is stated, however, (per contra) in the petition of George, 2nd Earl of Mountnorris, 7th Baron Altham, ijfc. [I.], for the Earldom of Anglesey (30 June 1819), that by a subsequent chancery suit this " unfortunate young nobleman, " James Annesley, was found to be a bastard s. of a maidservant named Landy {i.e. the Joan L. of the text). According to his own account, however, his descent was as follows : v. 1727. 5. James Annesley {de jure Baron Altham [I.], and in 1737 de jure Earl OF Anglesey, d?c. [E.]), only s. and h. of the 4th