Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/174

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124 COMPLETE PEERAGE amherst Pari., -u./)., 17 Apr. 1880, in his father's Barony, as BARON AMHERST OF MONTREAL. He w., istly, 27 Aug. 1862, at Linton, Kent, Julia (who, by royal licence, 22 Oct. 1 844, had been authorised, when a few months old, to bear the surname of Cornwallis only, in lieu of that of Mann), 2nd and yst. da. and coh. of James (Mann, formerly Cornwallis), 5th and last Earl Cornwallis, and only child of his 3rd wife, Julia, 4th da. of Thomas Bacon, of Redlands, Berks. She was b. 2, and bap. 23 July 1844, at Linton, and sue. to the estate of Linton Place, Kent, on the death of her father, 21 May, 1852. She (as Viscountess Holmesdale), i/. j./». i, and was bur. 7 Sep. 1883, at Linton afsd. Will dat. 17 Feb. 1866, pr. 23 Feb. 1884, over l.i,ifiOO. He w., 2ndly, 25 Apr. 1889, at Christ Church, Down Str., Alice Dalton, Dowager Countess of Lisburn [L], ist da. of Edmund Probyn, of Huntley Manor, co. Gloucester, by Sophia, da. of Richard Dalton, of Knaith, co. Lincoln. Family Estates. — These, in 1883, consisted of 4,269 acres in Kent, 1,789 in CO. Warwick, 834 in Sussex, and 741 in Essex. Total, 7,633 acres, valued at ;^8,78i a year. (") Principal Residence. — Montreal Park, near Sevenoaks, Kent. AMHERST OF HACKNEY BARONY. I. William Amhurst Tyssen-Amherst (formerly I t8q'» Tyssen-Am hurst, and before that, Daniel-Tyssen), of Amherst, Kent, Didlington Hall, Norfolk, and Hackney, CO. London, ist s. and h. of William George Tyssen-Amhurst ("), formerly Daniel-Tyssen, and before that, Daniel, of the same {d. 30 Dec. 1885, aged 54), by Mary, ist da. of Andrew Fountaine, of Narford Hall, Norfolk, was b. there 25, and bap. 26 Apr. 1835, ^^ Narford; ed. at Eton, and matric. Oxford (Ch. Ch.) May 1853 ; took (together with his father) the name of Tyssen-Amhurst^ in lieu of that of Daniel-Tyssen^ by royal lie. 6 Aug. 1852 ; High Sheriff of Norfolk, 1866 ; took, by royal lie, 16 Aug. 1877, the name of Tyssen-Amherst x lieu of that of Tyssen-Amhurst ; was M.P. for West Norfolk, 1880-85, and for South West' Norfolk, 1885-92, and was cr., 26 Aug. 1892, (') BARON AMHERST OF HACK- (*) The return made by Lord Holmesdale of his then wife's estates (those of the family of Mann, of Linton Place, Kent) early in 1883, was 18,053 acres (of which 16,209 were in Kent, 970 in Sussex and 874 in StafFoni) valued at ^^30,744 a year. These, after her death in Sep. 1883, went to the family of Wykeham-Martin, descended from her ist sister. Lady Jemima Isabella Wykeham-Martin, ist da. of the 5th and last Earl Cornwallis. C*) He was s. and h. of William George Daniel, afterwards (1814) Daniel- Tyssen, of East Farleigh, Kent {d. 13 Jan. 1838), by Amelia, da. of John Amhurst, Capt. R.N. (d. 1788, aged 64), h. to her mother, Mary (her father's and wife), da. and h. of Francis John Tyssen, of Hackney abovenamed. ("^) His claim to a peerage, like many others, appears to have been based on the fact that he was very wealthy, and had voted for some years with his party in the H. of Commons, though making no mark there. What claim he can have had to the