Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/191

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ANGUS COMPLETE PEERAGE 141 of the Hon. Henry Wodehouse, da. of the Hon. John P. King, of Sand- hills, Georgia, U.S.A. He d. 13 Oct. 1898, at Pl^s Newydd, after a long illness, and was bur. at Llanedwen, Anglesey. Will pr. gross ;^ 53 5,3 9 5, net j^22,978. His widow was living at Versailles 1909. V. 1898. 5. Henry Cyril (Paget), Marquess of Anglesey, Earl of Uxbridge and Baron Paget de Beaudesert, s. and h. by 2nd wife, b. 16 June, 1875. Ed. at Eton. Lieut. 2nd Vol. Batt. Royal Welsh Fusiliers. He w., 20 Jan. 1898, at St. Mary's Rom. Cath. Ch., Sloane Str., Chelsea, his cousin, Lilian, ist da. of Sir George Chetwynd, Bart., by Florence Cecilia, yst. da. of Henry (Paget), 2nd Marquess of Anglesey. She, who was b. 10 Mar. 1876, obtained a decree nisi of nullity of marriage, 7 Nov. 1 900. He became bankrupt for

^544,ooo in 1904. (") He d. j./»., at Monte Carlo, 14, and was bur.

23 Mar. 1905, at Llanedwen afsd. He was sue. by his cousin, who is outside the scope of this work. Family Estates. — These, in 1883, consisted of about 1,000 acres in Dorset, worth about ;/^8oo a year ; about 10,000 acres in Anglesey, worth about ;^io,ooo a year, and about 1,500 acres in co. Derby, and 17,500 in CO. Stafford, worth, together, about ;^ 100,000 a year. Total about 30,000 acres, worth about ;^ 110,000 a year. Principal Residences: — Beaudesert Park, near Lichfield ; Pl^s Newydd, Anglesey. ANGLIA or EAST ANGLIA see "NORFOLK" ANGUS This was one of the seven original Earldoms [Mormaerships] of Scot- land which, more or less, represented the seven provinces {each province consisting of two districts), of the Pictish Kingdom, afterwards called Alban, into which, prior to the 9th century, " transmarine Scotland " {i.e. the country north of the Firth of Forth and the Firth of Clyde) was by seven brothers divided. (") These divisions were : (i) Angus (being the name of the eldest brother), now co. Forfar, with Mearns, now co. Kincar- dine ; (2) Athole with Gowry, now the north and east part of co. Perth ; (3)Stratherne w///^ Menteith, now the southern part of co. Perth; (4) Fife (') He incurred debts, within 6 years, to the extent of ^^5 44,000, though his estates were worth jTii 0,000 p. a. His wardrobe and personal jewels, sold when he became insolvent, disclosed a preposterous accumulation, the latter realising ;^88,ooo. He seems only to have existed for the purpose of giving a melancholy and unneeded illustration of the truth that a man with the finest prospects, may, by the wildest folly and extravagance, as Sir Thomas Browne says, " foully miscarry in the advantage of humanity, play away an uniterable life, and have lived in vain. " V.G. (*") Celtic Scotland, by W.F. Skene, 1 880, vol. iii, cap. ii, &c. In this is a map shewing the seven ancient divisions. From this valuable work most of the above remarks are taken.