Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/207

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ANGUS COMPLETE PEERAGE 157 St. Mar)--In-the-Fields, near Edinburgh, for the soul or the deceased Archibald, Earl of Angus, formerly her husband. He m., lastly, in 1 500, Katherine, da. of Sir William Stirling, of Keir, by Margaret, da. of James Crichton, of Ruthvendeny. She signed a discharge as " Katryne Ctess of Angus " 10 Aug. 1 5 10, but on 14 May 15 13, she is designated simply as Katherine Stirling, and she was then probably separated from the Earl, and living with Alexander, Lord Home, by whom she had an illegit. s. about this time. The Earl </. at the Priory of St. Ninian or Whithorn, in Galloway, between 29 Nov. 15 13 and 31 Jan 15 13/4. [George Douglas, Master of Angus, possibly stykJ Lord Douglas, s. and h. ap. by ist wife, i. about 1469. He /«., before Mar. 1487/8, Elizabeth, widow of Sir David Fleming, ofMonycabo, and 2nd da. of John (Drummond), 1st Lord Drummond [S.]. He d. v.p.y 9 Sep. 15 13, being slain at the battle of Flodden. His widow was living 21 Aug. 15 14.] (*) XXin. 1514. 6. Archibald (Douglas), Earl OF Angus [S.], grandson and h., being s. and h. of George Douglas, sty/ed Master OF Angus or Lord Douglas, and Elizabeth his wife abovenamed. He was i>. about 1490, and was one of the most distinguished men of his time. From 151 7 to 1 52 1 he was one of the Council of Regency, and again, 1523-26. In 1526, when the King, James V, attained his majority of 14 years, the Earl exercised supreme power for two years, and in Aug. 1527 was made High Chancellor [S.]. In 1528, however, sentence of forfeiture (which was reversed Mar. 1542/3) was pronounced against him, and he retired to England, where he was made P.C. On the death of the King in 1542, he returned to Scotland, and distinguished himself at the battle of Ancrum muir, in 1545 ; and of Pinkie, in 1547. On 31 Aug. 1547, he resigned his Earldom and had a regrant of the same " sibi et suis hieredibus masculis et suis assignatis quibuscunque.'" Q) Hew., istly (cont. 26 June 1509), Margaret or Mary, 2nd da. of Patrick (Hepburn), ist Earl of Bothwell [S.], by Janet, only da. of James (Douglas), i st Earl of Morton [S.]. She d. s.p.s., in childbed, 15 13. He m., 2ndly, 6 Aug. 15 14, Margaret, Queen Dowager of Scotland, formerly the Lady Margaret Tudor, (") ist da. of Henry VII. They were divorced i Mar. i^26jj. (*) When George Douglas, her " fi/ius carnalis et baUtvus " gave an instrument of seizin. [Query illegit. elder br. of the whole blood to the xxiii Earl.] Hist. MSS. Com., Report 1902, MSS. of David Milne Home. C") This regrant was confirmed 11 Nov. 1564, and ratified by Pari. 19 Apr. 1567, the then h. of line, Lady Margaret Douglas, having previously (1565), with consent of her husband and of her ist s. and h. ap. (see note " b " next p.), renounced all right to the Earldom. Action of reduction was brought, some years afterwards, by James VI as h. of line, but determined against him, 7 Mar. 1588/9. He thereupon agreed to relinquish all further claim to the Earldom on receipt of 35,000 merles from his opponent ; payment of this sum was enforced by the Session 1 4 Aug. 1589; final acquittance dated 9 Jan. 1590; and contract, whereby the King renounced that Earldom to William, Earl of Angus [S.], his heirs male and of tailzie, ratified by Act of Pari., 1592. C^) Her portrait was painted by Holbein. V.G.