Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/209

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ANGUS COMPLETE PEERAGE 159 by his 1st wife, Margaret, illegit. da. of William (Crichton), 3rd Lord Crichton [S.]. From her he was divorced 1587. He m., 3rdly, directly afterwards, being asked in church on the Sunday following (cont. dat. 29 July 1587), Jean, widow of Robert Douglas the yr., sometimes called Master of Morton (who d. 1584), and ist da. of John (Lyon), 8th Lord Glamis [S.], by Elizabeth, da. of Alexander (Abernethy), Lord Saltoun [S.]. He d. 4 Aug. 1588,, and probably s.p.s.,(^) at Smeaton, near Dalkeith, probably of consumption, his death being attributed to sorcery. C*) Will pr. 3 Mar. 1 588/9 at Edinburgh. (°) His widow W7., 3rdly, before July 1592, Alexander (Lindsay), ist Lord Spynie [S.], who d. July 1607. She was living 7 Aug. 1607, but d. before 23 Feb. 161 1. XXVL 1588. 9. William (Douglas), Earl of AngusC^) [S.], cousin and h. male, being s. and h. of Sir Archibald Douglas, of Glenbervie, co. Kincardine, by his ist wife, Agnes, 4th da. of William Keith, 3rd Earl Marischal [S.], which Archibald (who d. isio) was s. and h. of Sir William D., the 2nd s. of Archibald, the 5th Earl, the said Sir William (with his elder br., the Master of Angus), having been slain at Flodden, 9 Sep. 15 13. He was i. about 1532. At the coronation, 7 May 1590, of Anne, the Queen Consort, he bore {not the Crown, but) the Sword. Shortly before his death he obtained a charter, in 1591, con- firming all the ancient privileges of the family of Douglas to himself and his heirs male. {') He m. (cont. dat. 14 Feb. 155 1/2), Gille (Egidia), da. of Sir Robert Graham, of Morphie, co. Kincardine. He d. i July 1591, of fever, at Glenbervie, and was l>ur. there, in his 59th year. M.L Will pr. 26 May 1593, at Edinburgh. His widow was living 1606. XXVIL 1 59 1. 10. William (Douglas), Earl of Angus [S.], s. and h., I?, about 1552, being 40 in 1592. He was a historian and an antiquary, and wrote a chronicle of the House of Douglas. In 1592 he joined in a plot, known as "The Spanish Blanks," to establish the Roman Catholic religion in Scotland, and thereby incurred forfeit- ure. (*) In 1608 he retired to the continent. Hew., between 12 Apr. granted to " Margaret Lesley, Countess of Angus, " and her husband, wherein it is stated chat they had been long married. The date 1591 is erroneously given in Douglas, vol. ii, p. 429. C) According to Burke's Peerage (1877-97) he was sue. by an infant s. and h. who d. the same year, 1588, but he appears in fact to have had only a da. (") Barbara Napier was burned on 8 May 1591 for having, " with a notorious witch, " given help to " Dame Jane Lyon, Lady Angus. " {Doug/as, vol. ii, p. 565). (") According to Godscroft, he was tall, and of a spare habit of body ; his visage somewhat swarthy, but pleasant to look upon. His face was small, his countenance grave and staid, while his limbs were well proportioned and finely shaped. V.G. (*) His claim to the Earldom as against that of the h. gen. was confirmed, 7 Mar. 1588/9. See note " b ", page 157. C*) See note " b ", next page. (*) In a letter of 1 595, James VI speaks of him as " sometime Earl of Angus, " and refers to his forfeiture. {Hist. MSS. Com., App., 9th Rep., p. 240.) V.G.