Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/231

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AP ADAM COMPLETE PEERAGE i8i 1331. He m.^ 2ndly, before 1341, Joan, da. of Sir John Inge, of Corton Denham, Somerset, by Alice Basset, his wife. (") She d, s.p., before 9 July 1349. He d. before 1342-43, leaving 3 sons, Robert, Hamund, and John. The two elder of these were living in 1342-43, C") and d. s.p. The yst., John, living 28 May 1375, (") was father of John ap Adam, who, together with Margaret, his wife, sold the manor of Sharncote, Wilts, to Thomas, Lord of Berkeley, in(i4i4-i5) 2 Hen. V. () He d. s.p.., 20 Nov. 1424, leaving John Huntley, s. of his sister, Elizabeth, his h., (") among whose representatives any hereditary Barony, that may be held to have existed, is in abeyance. (') disputes between them, 4 June 1329 : the castle and manor of Beverstone, Over, Barrow Gurney, and Monewden, to Thomas de Berkeley and his heirs, and Kings- weston and Elberton to Maurice de Berkeley, by licences dated 1 1 and 12 Apr. 1330. (Close Rolls, 19 Edw. II, m. 3 id, 2od ; 3 Edw. Ill, m. l8d : Patent Roll, 4 Edw. Ill, pars i, m. 32.) The clue, that Dr. Ormerod desiderated, " to the rapid dissipation by the son of the weahh so suddenly obtained by the father, " is probably to be found in two complaints by Thomas ap Adam : that during his minority his castle of Beverstone had been entered by force and wrecked, and some 70 charters, fere, relating to his inheritance, stolen — commission thereon, appointed 12 Jan. 1325/6 : that Thomas de Gurnay and others had abducted his wife, Margery, at Beverstone, taken away his goods, and still withheld his wife — commission thereon, 13 Oct. 1331. {Patent Rolls, 19 Edw. , pars i, m. lod ; 5 Edw. Ill, pars ii, m. lid). {") By a fine, Hilary term, 14 Edw. Ill, the manor of Corton Denham, Somerset, was granted to Sir John Inge for life, rem. to Alice Basset for life, rem. to Thomas ap Adam and Joan his wife and their issue, rem. to John, Hildebrand, Alice, and Elizabeth, brothers and sisters of Joan, and the heirs of their bodies, in succession. {Feet of Fines, case 199, file 23, no. 33). On 9 July 1349, John [Inge], s. of Alice Basset, and br. of Joan late the wife of Thomas ap Adam, did homage for Corton and had livery thereof. {Close Roll, 23 Edw. Ill, pars i, m. 4). (") In 1 6 Edw. Ill, Thomas, Lord of Berkeley, confirmed to Robert, s. of Sir Thomas ap Adam, and the heirs of his body, lands in Gorste, Beachley, Tidenham, fefc, rem. to Hamund his br. and the heirs of his body, rem. to the right heirs of Thomas ap Adam for ever. (Harl. MSS., no. 6079, f. 108 d.) f ) By deed without date, John, s. of Sir Thomas Ap Adam, released to Katherine de Berkeley, Lady of Wotton, John de Berkeley, her s., and his heirs male, and Thomas, Lord of Berkeley, and his heirs and assigns, all his rights in the castle and manor of Beverstone, Over, Barrow Gurney, fefc. On 28 May 1375, he acknow- ledged the sd. deed in Chancery. {Close Roll, 49 Edw. Ill, m. 34d). C) Smyth, Lives of the Berkeleys, vol. ii, p. 15. It should be noticed that Smyth appears to be the only writer who knew that the father of the John ap Adam, who d. in 131 1, was named Reynold. {Idem, vol. i, p. 54). ('■) Writ of melius sciri 28 June 18 Hen. VI. Inq. co. Gloucester, 4 Nov. 19 Hen. VI. The jurors say that John ap Adam held in Redwick within the hundred of Henbury an acre of land of the King in chief by fealty and the rent of a penny a year, and two messuages of the Bishop of Worcester by fealty. " Et quod predictus Johannes obiit vicesimo die Novembris Anno regni dicti domini Regis tertio et quod quidam Johannes Hunteley est consanguineus et heres propinquior ipsius Johannis ap Adam videlicet filius Elizabethe sororis ejusdem Johannis ap Adam et quod idem Johannes Huntley est etatis quadraginta annorum et amplius. " (Ch. Inq. p. m.. Hen. VI, file 97, no. 10). (') This John is said to have been s. of Thomlyn Huntley ap Philipot (Benolt's