Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/251

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ARGYLL COMPLETE PEERAGE 201 of Alexander (Cunningham), 5th Earl of Glencairn [S.], by his 2nd wife, Janet, da. of Sir John Cunningham, of Caprington. He d. s.p., of the stone, 12 Sep. 1573,0 aged about 43. Will pr. 25 May 1576, at Edinburgh. His widow m., in 1583, Humphrey Colquhoun, of Luss, and d. s.p., 1584. VI. 1573. 6. Colin (Campbell), Earl of Argyll, &*€. [S.], half br. and h., being s. of the 4th Earl by his 2nd wife. He was known before he succeeded to the Earldom as Sir Colin Campbell of Boquhan. In 1571, on his brother's resignation, he had the hereditary offices conferred upon him. A quarrel with the Regent Morton, arising out of a demand that he should restore certain royal jewels (of which his countess had become possessed when wife of the Regent Moray), combined with other sources of irritation, led him, in coalition with John, Earl of Atholl [S.], to obtain possession of the young King, who was made to take the sceptre in his own hands, effecting thereby Morton's retirement from the regency. Morton, however, recovering the power, though not the name of Regent, an accommodation was effected, and on 10 Aug. 1579, Argyll was made Chancellor [S.], which office he retained till his death. He »»., istly, (cont. dat. 14 Oct. 1551, when she was not yet of full contracting age) Joan, (legitimated 1551) da. of Henry (Stewart), ist Lord Meth- ven [S.], by his 3rd wife, Janet, Dowager Countess of Sutherland [S.], da. of John (Stewart), 2nd Earl of Atholl [S.]. She d. s.p. (^) He m., 2ndly, between May 1571, and 26 Feb. 157 1/2, Annabel, or Agnes, widow of James, Earl of Moray [S.] (the well-known Regent, assassin- ated 1570), da. of William (Keith), 4th Earl Marischal [S.], by Margaret, da. and coh. of Sir William Keith. He d. 10 Sep. 1584, at Darnaway. Will dat. 5 Sep. 1584, pr. 23 June 1586, at Edinburgh. His widow, who was excommunicated for non-adherence to her husband, about 25 Apr. 1573, d. 16 July 1588, at Edinburgh, and was bur. at St. Giles's there, with her ist husband. Funeral entry at Lyon office. Will pr. 9 Aug. 1 59 1, at Edinburgh. VII. 1584. 7. Archibald (Campbell), Earl OF Argyll, i^c. [S.], s. and h. by 2nd wife, b. S15- ^^ the age of 18, in 1594, he was sent, as the King's Lieut., against Huntly and Erroll, the Catholic Lords, by whom he was completely defeated, 3 Oct. 1594, at Glenlivat or Balrinnes. In the decreet of ranking, 5 Mar. 1606, he was placed (not according to the precedence of the creatiofi of his Earldom, but) in the exalted rank of 2nd Earl [S.j, owing to his office as Justice Jean continued to hold the dower lands. She was legitimated under the great seal, 18 Oct. 1580, and d. 7 Jan. 1587/8, being bur. as Countess of Argyll, at Holyrood. Her will, as Dame Jane Stewart, spouse of Alexander [«V] Earl of Argyll, was pr. at Edinburgh, 26 Mar. 1588. (") The date 1575, in Douglas, is an error. () The bill for Lady Lome's [w] funeral in the Westm. Abbey records is dated 22 June 1576. {Lords' Journals.) This may refer to her. V.G. 27