Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/255

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ARGYLL COMPLETE PEERAGE 205 he was an Extraordinary Lord of Session. On 19 Dec. 168 1, he was sent- enced to death for high treason, for refusing to subscribe to the " Test Act," but escaped from Edinburgh Castle to Holland, when, having been attainted, all his honours htc^me forfeited. (^) On 17 Apr. 1685, he was chosen General of the forces which invaded Scotland in support of Monmouth's rebellion. After a short and inglorious campaign, he was taken prisoner at a ford of the Inchinnan, was executed on his former sentence (at the same place as his father had been) on 30 June 1685, (^) and bur. in Greyfriars churchyard. M.I. He ;«., istly, 13 May 1650, in the Canongate, Edin- burgh, Mary, ist da. of James (Stuart), 4th Earl of Moray [S.], by Margaret, ist da. of Alexander (Home), ist Earl of Home [S.]. She d. May 1668. He w., 2ndly, 28 Jan. 1670, Anne, Dowager Countess of Balcarres [S.], 2nd da. of Colin (Mackenzie), ist Earl of Seaforth [S.], by Margaret, ist da. of Alexander (Seton), ist Earl of Dumfermline [S.]. By her he had no issue. She was a prisoner in Edinburgh Castle at the time of her husband's execution in 1685, and was bur. at Balcarres 29 May 1707. X. 1689. 10 and I. Archibald Campbell, j/y/e^ Lord Lorne DTTK'FnnM rs 1 ^""^ Master of Argyll in the lifetime, and for some '- '^ period after the death of his father, s. and h. by ist L 1701. wife. On his father's afsd. invasion, in 1685, he offered to serve against him, placing himself in the hands of King James. This King, however, he soon afterwards deserted, and assisted the Prince of Orange in his expedition against him to his utmost power. In 1689 he was admitted as Earl of Argyll [S.] into the convention of estates [S.], made P.C. i May, and, on 5 June in that year, his father's attainder was rescinded. From 14 Dec. 1694 until his death, he was an Extraordinary Lord of Session. He commanded a regiment, chiefly ot his own clan, in Flanders, and was Col. of the (Scottish regt.) 4th troop of Horse Guards 1 696-1 703. A Lord of the Treasury [S.] 1696-1703. On 23 June 1701, he was cr. DUKE OF ARGYLL, MARQUESS OF KINTYRE and LORN (sic), EARL OF CAMPBELL AND COWALL, VISCOUNT OF LOCHOW and GLENYLA, LORD OF INVERARY, MULL, MORVERN and TIRIE [S.], with rem. to his that the office had been held and the duties well discharged by the grantee's father and grandfather ; and in the charter of 1625 it is stated that the predecessors of the Earl had for ages past exercised this office. On the other hand the Justiciaryship OF Argyll and of the Isles (comprised in this charter) were, in the strictest sense, hereditary and continued in the family till 1747. The office of Grand Master of the Household (which still continues in the family) was also confirmed by this charter as a hereditary office, (ex inform. G.Burnett, sometime Lyon.) (") Halifax remarks on this, " I know nothing of the Scotch law, but this I know, that we should not hang a dog here, on the grounds on which my Lord Argyle has been sentenced. " V.G. C") His letter written to his s. John on the morning of his execution is simple and dignified. It is printed in Hist. MSS Com., various MSS, vol. v, p. 178. V.G.