Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/27

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PREFACE xvii WRITS OF 1283 These writs are recorded — merely — on the Welsh Rolls (m. 2 dorso), and are consequently ignored by Dugdale in his Summons to the Great Councils and Parliaments. The summonses were to 1 1 Earls ; including William de Valence, who, though summoned as 5th among the Earls is not designated Earl of Pembroke ; also including Gilbert de Umfreville, Earl of Angus, and Robert de Brus, Earl of Carrick, who, though so designated, can hardly be sup- posed, even it the writs be accounted good, to have been summoned as English Earls, but should rather be held to have been summoned, according to modern doctrine, as Barons, (") the mention of the Scottish Earldoms being merely an act of courtesy. C") In addition to the Earls, summonses were issued to 99 other persons, who must, if the writs be good, be accounted as Barons. The full list is as follows : — Gilberto de Clare Comiti Glouc' et Hertford Edmundo fratri Regis Comiti Lane' Rogero le Bygod Comiti Norff' et Mar' Angl' Johanni de Warenn' Comiti Surr' Henrico de Lacy Comiti Lincoln' Willelmo de Valenc' Hunfrido de Bohun Comiti H'ef et Essex' Willelmo de Bello Campo Comiti Warn' Roberto de Veer Comiti Oxon' Gilberto de UmfraiinviH' Comiti de Anegos Roberto de Brus Comiti de Carrik Ade le Despenser Petro de Gousl' Reginaldo de Grey Gilberto de Gaunt Nicholao de Segrave Matheo de Lovayn IS Johanni de la Mare Henrico Husee Rogero de Lane' Nicholao de Meynill' Roberto de Tateshal' Ricardo de Grey Roberto de Brus domino Vail Anand Galfrido de Nevill' Johanni de Stayngreve Radulfo de Thony Waltero de Wygeton' Roberto filio Walteri de Davintre Rogero la Zusche Roberto filio Rogeri Johanni de Wauton' Normanno de Arcy Johanni de Sancto Johanne Willelmo de Vescy Thome de Berkel' Rogero de Colevill' de Byham Almarico de Sancto Amando (*) Again, as Bacon truly observes in the Ros case "the name of barons is subject to equivocation. " {) Compare the similai' case of Atholl under that title.

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