Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/278

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228 COMPLETE PEERAGE arran 14 July 1760, (°) Catharine, only da. of William (Annesley), ist Viscount Glerawly [I-],by Anne, da. of Marcus (Beresford), ist Earl of Tyrone [I.]. She d. 23 Nov. 1770, in Dublin. He m., 2ndly, in 1771, Anne, da. of the Rev. Boleyn Knight, of Otley, co. York. She d. shortly before Oct. 1779. C) He w., 3rdly, in Feb. 1780/1, at Dublin, Elizabeth, da. of Richard Underwood, of Dublin, by Christiana, da. of Caleb Goold, of Dublin. He d. 8 Oct. 1809, aged 75, in Ireland. (") Will. pr. 1809, Prerog. Court [I.]. His widow d. 5 June 1829, in Brussels. C) Will pr. June 1829. V. 1809. 3. Arthur Saunders (Gore), Earl of Arran, £ffc. [I.], s. and h., by ist wife, h. 20 July 1761. M.P. (Tory) for Baltimore, 1783-90, and for co. Donegal 1800-06. His claim to vote at the election of Rep. Peers [1.] was admitted 30 Mar. 1821. He w., 29 Dec. 1787, at St. Geo., Han. Sq., Mary, ist and only surv. da. and h. of these, the Earl of Antrim [I.] desiring to relinquish the stall intended for him (being unwilling to resign, as was required of him, the order of the Bath), letters patent were passed nominating the Earl of Arran to be one of the original Knights of St. Patrick in his room. These fifteen original Knights were as under, vix : — 1. H.R.H. Prince Edward, 4th s. of the King, afterwards (1799) Duke of Kent and Strathearn [G.B.], and Earl of Dublin [I.]. 2. William Robert (Fitz Gerald), Duke of Leinster [I.]. 3. Henry Smyth (de Burgh), Earl of Clanricarde [I.], cr. Marquess [I.] 1789. 4. Thomas (Nugent), Earl of Westmeath [I.]. 5. Murrough (O'Brien), Earl of Inchiquin [I.], afterwards cr. Marquess OF Thomond [I.] 1800. 6. Charles (Moore), Earl of Drogheda [I.], afterwards cr. Marquess [I.] 1791. 7. George (de la Poer Beresford), Earl of Tyrone [I.], afterwards cr. Marquess of Waterford [I.] 1789. 8. Richard (Boyle), Earl of Shannon [I.]. 9. James (Hamilton), Earl of Clanbrassil [I.]. 10. Richard (Colley-Wellesley), Earl of Mornington [I.], afterwards cr. Marquess Wellesley [I.] 1799. 1 1. Arthur Saunders (Gore), Earl of Arran [I.]. 12. James (Stopford), Earl of Courtown [I.]. 13. James (Caulfeild), Earl of Charlemont [I.]. 14. Thomas (Taylour), Earl of Bective [I.]. 15. Henry (Loftus), Earl of Ely [I.]. He was out of the Kingdom at the time of the installation (27 Mar. 1783), and died shortly afterwards (8 May 1783) without having been invested or installed. (') Mrs. Delany's Memoirs, under date 18 July 1760. V.G. C) Gent. Mag. V.G. ("^) Gent. Mag. states that " he was a nobleman of the mildest disposition, and most elegant manners. " V.G. C) Her 2nd da., Cecilia Letitia, widow of Sir George Buggin, by Royal lie, 2 Mar. 1834, took the name of Underwood (being her mother's maiden name), and on 10 Apr. 1840 was cr. Duchess of Inverness. She d. s.p., i Aug. 1873.