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244 COMPLETE PEERAGE arundel he had previously cohabited), Eleanor, widow of John de Beaumont, [2nd Lord Beaumont], da. of Henry, (") Earl of Lancaster, by Maud, da. and h. of Sir Patrick de Chawices or Chaworth. She, who was ist cousin to his 1st wife, and 2nd cousin once removed to the Earl, ^. 1 1 Jan. 1372, at Arundel, and was bur. at Lewes. He d. 24 Jan. i375/6,() also at Arundel, in his 70th year, and was also bur. at Lewes. Will dat. 5 Dec. 1375. (°) XV. 1376 II or 4. Richard (Fitz Alan), Earl of Arundel, to and Earl of Surrey, s. and h., by 2nd wife, b. in 1346. 1397. He was bearer of the Crown at the coronation of Richard II, 16 July 1377, was a member of the Council, and was made Admiral of the West and South, 1377, and subsequently, 1386, of all England. K.G. 1386. He distinguished himself in the French wars, gaining a brilliant naval victory over the allied French, Spanish, and Flemish fleets, off Margate, 24 Mar. 1387, and was made Gov. of Brest in 1388, being one of the 5 Lords Appellant in the Pari, of that year. Together with the Duke of Gloucester he took an active part against the King, who, in 1388, was entirely in that Duke's power. In 1394 he obtained pardon for all political offences, but was treacherously seized, 12 July 1397, tried at Westm., and beheaded in Cheapside, 21 Sep. 1397. O He m. (cont. dat. 28 Sep., Papal disp. same month, 1359) Elizabeth, da. of William adultery ; and the Pope very obligingly annulled the marriage and bastardised the issue : a very unfair proceeding as far as Edmund d'Arundel was concerned. The following Papal letters further illustrate the case, but need no comment. Papal dispensation 4 Mar. 1344/5 to Richard, Earl of Arundel, to remain in marriage contracted with Eleanor, daughter of Henry, Earl of Lancaster, at Ditton in King Edward's presence, though he had carnally known Isabella, related in the 3rd and 4th degree to Eleanor. — Papal mandate 31 July 1347 on petition of Edmund d'Arundel — "Earl Richard and Isabella married and begot Edmund, but Robert, Bishop of Chichester, pronounced sentence of divorce, thus bastardising Edmund ; Richard thereupon married Joan [j/V] de Bellomonte daughter of the uncle [«V] of Isabella. Papal commission was issued to cite the said Richard, Isabella, and Joan, Edmund being then 1 8 years old. It appeared that Joan should have been called Eleanor, and that she was not soror patruelis but neptis ex amita to Isabella. Edmund was by this time 20. " — Indult to Edmund d'Arundel, eldest son of the Earl of Arundel, and Sibyl his wife, July, 1364. (Papal Letters.) V.G. (") As to his supposed name of ' Plantagenet, ' see ante, p. 183. () By his 1st wife, Isabel, he had 3 children, (i) Edmund, who m., before July 1349, Sibyl, da. of William (Montagu), Earl of Salisbury. He was knighted 1352, and was living 1377. He had a da., Alice, who m. Sir Leonard Carew [h. 1342, d. 1370), from whom descended George (Carew), Earl of Totness(i626). (2) Philippe, who m. Sir Richard Sergeaux {d. 30 Sep. 1393), whose da. Alice m., istly, Guy St. Aubyn, and 2ndly, about 1405, Richard (de Vere), Earl of Oxford, who d. 1417. (3) Isabel, who ;«. John, 4th Lord Strange of Blackmere. V.G. C) He alienated the manor of Nether Biisington, Kent, which had been held by the preceding Earls since the time of Henry I, by serjeanty. See Taylor's Glory of Regality, p. 1 44. C) " No more shrinking or changing colour than if he were going to a banquet. " {Walsingham, vol. ii, pp. 225-6). V.G.