Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/303

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ARUNDEL COMPLETE PEERAGE 253 Pedigree of the Earls of Arundel of the House of Fitz Alan. John Fitz Alan, feudal = Isabel, 2nd sister and, in her issue, coh, of Hugh (d'Aubigny), Lord of Clun, (Sfc. | Earl of Arundel, Sfc. (See pedigree, p. 237). I. John Fitz Alan, who sue. to the Castle, &c., of Arundel in 12+3 and=: was (according to the admission of 1+33) Earl of Arundel, d. 1267. II. John Fitz Alan, Earl of Arundel, as above, s. and h. J. 1272.= ni. Richard, Earl of Arundel, sum. to Pari ai such, s. and h. d. i302. = Alasia di Saluzzo. IV. Edmund, Earl of Arundel,-— Alice de Warenne, who, in her issue, was heir s. and h., attainted and d. i 326. I to the Earls of Surrey and Sussex. i V. Richard Fitz Alan, restored as Earl of Arundel in 1 3 3 1 == Eleanor, s. and h. styled himself Earl of Surrey in 1361, d. 1376. I VI. Richard, Earl of Arundel, &c., s.= John, Lord Arundel, sum. to = Eleanor, suo jure Baroness and h. Beheaded and a«a/n/fi/ 1397. | Parl.assuch i377-79,</.i379. I Mautravers, </. 1405. ( 1 r VII. Thomas Elizabeth, (") ist Joan, (") 2nd sister Margaret, (•) 3rd John Fitz Alan, other- ^ Fitz Alan, r*'- sister and coh., and coh., widow of sister and coh., wise d'Arundel, d. storedmnoo relict of Thomas William (Beau- wife of Sir Row- 1391. as Earl of (Mowbray), champ), Lord land Lenthall, Arundel and Duke of Nor- Abergavenny, and and aged 33 in Surrey, <^. J./, folk, and aged aged 40 in 1415. 1415. 1415. upwards of 40 - = = r m 1415. VIII, John, Lord Mau-=p travers (1405) and Earl of Arundel (1415) d. 1421. i 1 1 1 Sir Robert Howard = Margaret, whose issue Thomas John Isabel=:Jame3, Lord Berkeley d. 1436. became coheirs ^ John, cr. Duke of Norfolk d. 1485. = Thomas, Duke of Norfolk cr. Earl of Surrey 1483, d. Thomas, D. of Norfolk, d. 1554. I IX. John, Earlof Arundel= XI.William,EarlofArundel,== fife, s. and h., d. 1435. | &c. uncle and h., d. 1488. I r X. Humphrey, Earl of Ar- XII. Thomas, Earl of= undel, Sfc, only s. and h., Arundel, Sfc. s. and h., d. d. s.p. 1438. '5^+- Sir Henry Howard, K.G., styled Earl XIII. William, Earl of Arundel, 6fc., d. 1 544.=Anne Percy, of Surrey, beheaded t/./"., 1547. XIV. Henry, Earl of Arundel, Sfc, the last heir male of the=Catharine house of Fitz Alan, Earls of Arundel, d. s.p.m.s. 1580. Grey. i 1 1 Thomas (Howard), = Mary, in her issue Henry Fitz Alan, only s. and Joan, m. John, Lord Duke of Norfolk, Sfc, beheaded 1572 sole h. to her father, h.ap.,j?)7?^Lord Mautravers, Lumley, and d. ni.f. d. 'v.p. 1557. d. nj.p. and s.p. 1556. and s.p. 1576. Philip (Howard), Earl of Arundel, who, in 1580, sue. his maternal grandfather in the Castle and Honour of Arundel. He d. 1595, being great grandfather of Thomas (Howard), Earl of Arundel, restored, in 1660, to the Dukedom of Norfolk. See tabular pedigree, under " Norfolk, " Dukedom of. % (*) In the descendants of these three Ladies vests the representation of the earlier Earls of Arundel. In 1895 the coheirs of the eldest (the Duchess of Norfolk) nvere, as to one moiety, the suo jure Baroness Berkeley, and, as to the other (the HoivardJ moiety, (i) Lord Mowbray, Segrave and Stourton, and (2) Lord Petre. See p. 246, note " d. "