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268 COMPLETE PEERAGE ashbourne

^I20 a year (said to have been in the family since 12 Edw. I), consisted of

over 6,000 acres in Wilts, worth over ;{^9,ooo a year. Total, 6,219 acres, of the yearly value of ;^9, 1 74. Trincipal Residence. — Wardour Castle, near Tisbury. ASCELES see ATHOLL ASCOTT i.e. " AscoTT, CO. Hertford," Viscountcy (Dormer), cr. 1628 with the Earldom of Carnarvon, which see ; extinct i 709. ASHBOURNE BARONY. I. Edward Gibson, 2nd s. of William Gibson [d. T on 20 Feb. 1872), of Gaulstown, co. Meath, and Merrion •'* Sq., Dublin, by his ist wife, Louisa (d. 4 Dec. 1853), da. of Joseph Grant, of Dublin, Barrister-at-Law, was h. 4 Sep. 1837, and bap. at St. Thomas's, Dublin. He was ed. at Trin. Coll. Dublin ; B.A. and I St gold medallist, 1858; M.A. i86i;and, finally, Hon. LL. D. 1881. Barrister [I.] i860 ; Q.C. [I.] 1872 ; Attorney Gen. [I.] 1877-80. He was M.P. (Conservative) for Dublin Univ. 1875-85. (») • P.C. [I.] 15 Feb. 1877 and Bencher of the King's Inns, Dublin, the same year. P.C. [G.B.] 24 June 1885. In June 1885 he was made Lord Chancellor [I.], and on 4 July following was cr. BARON ASHBOURNE (") of Ashbourne, CO. Meath. ("") He resigned office in Feb. 1886, was re-appointed Aug. following, but again resigned in 1892, again re-appointed in 1895 and again held that office, 1 895-1 905. C) He w., 4 Apr. 1868, at St. Stephen's, Dublin, Frances Maria Adelaide, 2nd da. of Henry Jonathan Cope Colles, Barrister-at-Law. She was b. 24 Dec. 1849, and bap. 14 Feb. 1850, at St. Peter's, Dublin. [William Gibson, ist s. and h. ap., b. 16 Dec. 1868. M.A. of Oxford and Dublin. He m., 7 Jan. 1896, Marianne, da. of M. de Mon- brison, of Paris.] Family Estates. — These in 1883 were under 2,000 acres. C) " Mr. Gibson is famous for his white head, his fluent, fearless utterance, his Irish brogue, his spirit and energy, and his copious imagination." {Society in London, 1885, p. 224.) V.G. (*") Lord Ashbourne's arms are Ermine three keys barwise azure with three trefoils vert in the chief. The keys in this modern grant are borrowed from the arms of the Scottish house of Gibson of Durie. [ex inform. Oswald Barron.) V.G. C") This was one of a dozen Baronies cr. in June and July 1885, for a list of which see sub Hobhouse. C) He was spoken or by Lord Randolph Churchill as " the family lawyer of the Tory party. " V.G.