Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/327

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ASHBURTON COMPLETE PEERAGE 277 Croydon, Surrey (which Sir Francis was br. of Elizabeth, wife of John (Dunning), ist Lord Ashburton abovenamed), was b. 27 Oct. 1774, and was for 18 years head of the firm of Baring Brothers, Merchants (*) in London. M.P. for Taunton, 1806-26 ; for Callington, 1826-31 ;{^) for Thetford, 1831-32 ; and for North Essex, 1832-35. Trustee of the Brit. Museum from 1829, and of the Nat. Gallery from 1835, ^'^^ ^'^ death. Master of the Mint and President of the Board of Trade 18-^4-35 '■> ^•^• 15 Dec. 1834; D.C.L. On 10 Apr. 1835, he was cr. BARON ASH- BURTONQ of Ashburton, Devon. Ambassador (Special Mission) to the U.S.A., 1842. ('*) He m., 23 Aug. 1798, in N. America, Anne Louisa, 1st da. of William Bingham, of Philadelphia, a Senator of the U.S.A. He d. 12 May 1848, at Longleat, Wilts, aged 73, and his widow d. 5 Dec. following, at Bay House, near Gosport. IV. 1848. 2. William Bingham (Baring), Baron Ashburton, s. and h., b. June 1799. Ed. at Oriel Coll. Oxford; B.A. 1 82 1, 2nd class classics. M.P. for Thetford, 1826-30 ; for Calling- ton, 1830-31 ; for Winchester, 1832-37 ;(^) for North Staffordshire, 1837-41 ; and for Thetford, 1841-48. Secretary to the Board of Control, 1841-45 ; Paymaster Gen. of the Forces 1845-46. P.C. 30 June 1845; Trustee of Nat. Gallery 1850 till death ; Pres. Roy. Asiat. Soc. 1852-55 ; of the Roy. Agric. Soc. 1853, and of the Roy. Geog. Soc. 1860-62. F.R.S. 29 Apr. 1854. Commander of the Legion of Honour. He «;., istly, 12 Apr. 1823, at her mother's house in Dover Str., St. Geo., Han. Sq., Harriet Mary, ist da. of George John (Montagu), 6th Earl of Sandwich, by Louisa, da. of Armar (Lowry-Corry), ist Earl of Belmore [I.]. She, who was b. 14 May 1805, d. s.p.s., 4 May 1857, at Paris. He w., 2ndly, 17 Nov. 1858, at Bath House, Piccadilly, Louisa Caroline, 3rd and yst. da. of the Rt. Hon. James Alexander Stewart Mackenzie, by Mary Elizabeth Frederica, ist da. and coh. of Francis Humberston (Mackenzie), Lord Seaforth. He d. s.p.m., 23 Mar. 1864, at the Grange, Hants. Will pr. I June 1864, under ;^ 180,000. His widow, who was b. 5 May 1827, and who inherited the Mackenzie estate of nearly 30,000 acres in co. Ross, d. 2 Feb. 1903, at Kent House, Knightsbridge, aged 76. Will pr. over

^285,ooo gross, and over ;^ 109,000 net.

C) Of this great mercantile house, the Due de Richelieu wittily said, " There are six great powers in Europe, viz.. England, France, Russia, Austria, Prussia, and Baring Brothers. " See also as to this house, and as to the number of peerages acquired by the Baring family, notes sub Revelstoke. V.G. (") From 1806 to 1831 he sat as a Whig, but thereafter acted with the Tories. V.G. C^) The Barings, Lords Ashburton, bear arms of Azure a fesse gold with a bear's head in its proper colours, cut off at the neck, in the chief, having a golden muzzle and ring, [ex inform. Oswald Barron.) V.G. C) He then concluded the ' Ashburton Treaty ' delimiting the frontiers of British North America and the U.S.A. V.G. (^) From 1826 to 1 83 1 he sat as a Whig, but thereafter as a Conservative. V.G.