Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/332

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282 COMPLETE PEERAGE aske being 2nd, but ist surv., s. and h. of Francis Trench, of Sopwell Hall, afsd. (by Mary, (") 2nd da. and coh. of Henry Mason, of Shrewsbury), which Francis was next br. to the ist Lord Ashtown [I.], but d. before him, Nov. 1829, aged 72. He was b. 25 Dec. 1804 ; was Sheriff of CO. Galway 1840. Claim to Peerage allowed 12 July 1855. ^^ ^-i 's^ly> 29 Aug. 1 83 1, Harriet Georgiana, yst. da. of Thomas Cosby, of Stradbally Hall, Queen's County, by Charlotte Elizabeth, da. of the Rt. Hon. Thomas Kelly, 2nd Justice of the Common Pleas [I.]. She d. 25 Feb. 1845, at Woodlawn, aged 34, and was bur. there. He ;«., 2ndly, 10 Feb. 1852, at Aberford, co. York, Elizabeth, 2nd da. and coh. of Richard Oliver Gascoigne, of Castle Oliver, co. Limerick, and of Parlington, co. York, by Mary, da. of Sir Charles Turner, of Kirkleatham, Bart. He d. at Clonod- foy, CO. Limerick, in his 76th year, 12, and was bur. 17 Sep. 1880, at Woodlawn. Will dat. 10 July 1879, pr. 29 Nov. 1880. His widow d*. at the H6tel National, Montreux, Switzerland, 23, and was bur. 25 Feb. 1893, at Territet, Switzerland. Will dat. 2 Nov. 1890 to 24 Sep. 1892, pr. 25 May 1893. III. 1880. 3. Frederic Oliver (Trench), Baron Ashtown [I.], grandson and h., being s. and h. of the Hon. Frederic Sidney Charles Trench (by Anne, ist da. of William Thomas (Le Poer Trench), 3rd Earl of Clancarty [L]), which Frederic was s. and h. ap. of the last Lord by his ist wife, but d. v.p., 2 Mar. 1879, i" his 40th year. He was b. at the Villa, Galway, 2 Feb., and bap. 5 Apr. 1868, at Kilconnell. Ed. at Eton. Matric. Oxford (Magd. Coll.) 22 Oct. 1887. Rep- Peer [L], (Conservative) Nov. 1908. He m., 11 Jan. 1894, at Stradbally afsd., his 2nd cousin, Violet Grace, yst. da. of Col. Robert Ashworth Godolphin Cosby, by his ist wife, Alice Sophia Elizabeth, only da. of Sir George Edward Pocock, Bart. [Frederick Sydney Trench, ist s. and h. ap., b. 9 Dec. 1894, at Woodlawn, and bap. there 20 Jan. 1895.] Family Estates. — These, in 1883, consisted of about 6,400 acres in co. York, worth about £'/,'joo a year, and of about 37,200 acres in Ireland (chiefly in the counties of Limerick, Galway, Tipperary, and Waterford), worth about ;^27,ooo a year. Total about 43,600 acres, worth about

^'34,700 a year. But query if the Yorkshire estates were not those of the

family of Gascoigne, belonging to the Dowager Baroness .' Principal Residence. — Woodlawn, co. Galway. ASKE See " DuNDAS of Aske, co. York, " Barony (Dundas), cr. 1794. (") Francis Trench and Mary Mason were wj. ii June 1802, at St. Chad's, Shrewsbury.