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ASTON COMPLETE PEERAGE 285 to composition. He m. Agnes (a German lady), da. of Henry Imple. He d. Feb. 1 65 1/2, in the old Palace of Maidstone, and was bur. at Maidstone. II. 1652. 2. Isaac (Astley), Baron Astley of Reading, s. and h. Knighted at Oxford 23 Feb. 1642/3. He w., 27 Dec. 1650, at St. Giles's, Cripplegate, as * Sir Isaac Astley, ' Anne, 4th da. of Sir Francis Stydolfe, of Mickleham, Surrey, by Mary, da. of Sir James Altham, of Oxhey, Herts, one of the Barons of the Exchequer. He d. 1662, and was bur. at Maidstone. His widow d. at Maidstone afsd. Admon. 21 Nov. 1674 to her s. Jacob, " Lord Astley, Baron of Reading. " III. 1662 3. Jacob (Astley), Baron Astley of Reading, s. and to h., b. before 1654. Adm. Fellow Com. of St. John's 1688. Coll. Cambridge, 28 Jan. 1668/9. He m. Frances, da. and coh. of his maternal uncle. Sir Richard Stydolfe, of Norbury, Surrey, Bart., by Elizabeth, da. of Sir George Stonehouse, of Radley, Berks. He d. s.p.s., 1688, at St. Margaret's, Westm., and was bur. at Maidstone, when the title became extinct. Admon. 8 May, 1689. His widow d. II, and was bur. 22 July 1692, at Maidstone. ASTON OF FORFAR BARONY [S.]. I. Sir Walter Aston, Bart., of Tixall, co. Stafford, If- 1st surv. s. and h. of Sir Edward A., of the same (whose estates exceeded the annual value of ;^ 10,000), by his 2nd wife, Anne, da. of Sir Thomas Lucy, of Charlecote, co. Warwick, was bap. 9 July 1584, at Charlecote, sue. his father i Feb. 1596/7, was cr. K.B. (25 July 1603) at the coronation of James I, and was cr. a Bart., 22 May 1611, on the institution of that order. He was a Statesman of distinction and served on several missions, where his princely magnificence greatly injured his private fortune. Ambassador to Spain 1620-25, and again 1635-38. While in that country he became a Rom. Cath. On 28 Nov. 1627, he was cr. (*) LORD ASTON OF FORFAR [S.], with rem. to him and his heirs male for ever bearing the name and arms of Aston. C") He «., about 1 607, Gertrude, only da. of Sir Thomas Sadleir, (°) of Standon, he rather collected the ends of the debates, and what he was himself to do, than enlarged them by his own discourses, though he forbore not to deliver his own mind. " (*) " Creavimus, facimus et constituimus prasfatum Dominum Walterum Aston Dominum Aston de Forfar infra vicecomitatum nostrum de Forfar in dicto regno nostro, ac dedimus, ijc, eidem suisque heredibus masculis in perpetuum, cognomen et insignia de Aston gerentibus, titulum, honorem, ordinem et dignitatem Dominorum Baronum parliamenti dicti Regni, bfc. Tenen. et Haben. diet, titulum, i?c., dicti Domini Baronis de Forfar cum suffragio in parliamento, isc. " {ex inform. R. R. Stodart, sometime Lyon Clerk Depute.) See, as to the rare use of the word ' Baron ' in Scottish creations, note sub Elizabeth, Baroness Cramond [1628]. C*) This was as a reward for his services in negotiating for the marriage of Charles Prince of Wales with the Infanta of Spain. V.G. Q He was s. of the well-known diplomat and statesman Sir Ralph Sadleir. V.G.