Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/348

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298 COMPLETE PEERAGE athenry PEDIGREE (which, though probable, is unsupported by conclusive evidence) shewing the succession of the Lords Athenry [I.] and the relationship of those claiming that Peerage. Robert of Bermingham or Birmingham. .1 Piers of Bermingham d. 1254. I 1 Meiler, d. 1263. Sir James, 2nd son, 1279. ' ' ' ' I. Piers, ist Lord Athenry Piers, Lord of Thetmoy or Totemoy i295. = Ela da. &f coh. ofWil- [L], d. 1307. Ham of Odingsells. i-^ 1 . Meiler, s. and h. ap. IL Richard, John, Lord of Thetmoy and Piers, William, Lord d. 'v.p., s.p.m., before 2nd Lord, Atherdee, cr. Earl of Louth 2nd s. of Thetmoy Dec. 1302. d. 1321. [L] 1319,1/. iiii), s.p.m.s. d.'V.f. [L] r— ^ 1 ^ >— I ,—'1 Philippe, Elizabeth, IIL Thomas, 3rd Richard, Qy. ? John, Lord Walter, Lord coh. coh. Lord, %. & . d. d. unm., of Thetmoy d. of Thetmoy 1373. 'V.f. s.p.m. [L] i 1 ^ I 1 Richard, s. John, 2nd s. IV. Walter, 4th Walter, Lord Margaret, m. Robert and h. ap. d. s.p.m.. Lord, d. (at a great of Thetmoy ; (Preston), Lord Gor- d.s.p.m.y'v.p. 'v.p. age) 1428. d. s.p. 1361. mansion [L] = I ^ 1 ^ V. Thomas, 5th Lord, d. (aged 90?) 1473. Richard, 2nd s. ' 1 ' . VL Thomas, 6th Lord, 1487. Qy-f Edmond, s. and h. ! I j I I John B., s. and h. ap. d. a/.p. s.p.m. VIL Meiler, 7th Lord, d. 1529. Qy.? Richard, s. and h. I I I Elizabeth,W;A«>,»j. Piers Butler. VIIL John, 8th Lord 1541, cj'.j./.»j. Qy. ? Edmond, s. and h. = I . . . I ^ Anne, sole heir, m. William Legge. IX. Richard, 9th Lord, Earls of Glengall [I.] = 1560. Earls of Dartmouth. r X. Edmond, loth Lord Athenry [I.], s. and h. of Richard, the 9th Lord, d. 1614. ' "-^ 7-, ' XI. Richard, nth Meiler B. of Dalgan, Thomas B. of Lord, d. 1645. d. 1641, 2nd. s. Killbeg, 3rd s. J , L I I i I Edward, s. and h. ap. d. -v.p. Redmond B., s. and h. d. 1695. Edmond, 2nd s. Edmond B. of K. I , I , _J

I I I 

XII. Edmond, 12th XII. Francis, 12th Miles B., s. and Thomas B. Lord, a Friar. Lord, d. 1677. h. d. 1707. of Killbeg. J . , ! I ( i XIIL Edward, 1 3th Remigius, d. Francis B., s. John B. of K. Lord, d. 1709. s.p. 1687. and h. d. 1728. -■ I ' I XIV. Francis, 14th John B., of Dalgan, s. and =p Matilda. William B. of K. Lord, d. 1750. h. d. 1 77 1. J XV. Thomas, 15th XVI? John B. claimed, Edward, Maud, coheir, m. Mary, coheir, m. Lord, cr. Earl of 1800, to be Baron of d. 1794. Earl of Charle- Earl of Leitrim mont[I.]^ [I.] Louth [I.], d. s.p.m. Athenry [I.], </. 1803 1799. s.p. legit. I I I 1 Three daughters XVII ? John B., ist s., d. XVIII > Edward B., claimed, 1827, to Francis B^ and coheirs. iSii, s.p. be Baron of Athenry [I.] 3rd ». ^ r : ' Francis B., only child, d. unm