Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/358

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3o8 COMPLETE PEERAGE atholl OF BucHAN [S.]. He was slain at the conflict of Kilblane, 30 Nov. 1335, in his 27th year. Writ oi diem cl. ext. 8 Dec. 1335. His widow defended Lochindorb Castle, when besieged, from Nov. 1335 to June 1336, and d. II Nov. 1368, C) having held Brabourne, Kent, and lands in Herts, in dower from 28 Mar. 1337. C") XIV. * 1335 12. David (of Strathbogie), Earl of Atholl [S. } to oi"C) E. .], also Lord Strathbogie [E.], only s. and h. 1369. He was three years old in 1335. He had seizin 8 May 1355. In 1355 he, who was then of age, accompanied Edward, Prince of Wales, into France. He was sum. to Pari. 20 Jan. (1365/6) 39Edw. Ill, to 6 Apr. (1369) 43 Edw. Ill, the writ being directed to him (as it had been to his father and grandfather) as " David Strabolgi comiti AthoF." He w., between 24 Sep. 1342 and 1361, Elizabeth [not Catharine], da. of Henry (Ferrers), 2nd Lord Ferrers of Groby, by Isabel, da. and coh. of Theobald (Verdon), 2nd Lord Verdon. He d. s.p.m., 10 Oct. 1369 C) aged 48, when any English Barony of Strathbogie (and any right to an Earldom of Atholl as far as created by the English writ of summons in 132 1) fell into abeyance, (^) while the Scottish Earldom (") " Katerina nuper Comitissa Athollie. " Writs of diem cl. ext, 26 and 30 Nov. 42 Edw. III. Inq., Northumberland, 25 Jan. 1368/9. " Et dicunt dicta Katerina obiit in festo sancti Martini in yeme ultimo preterite. Et dicunt quod David de Strabolgy Comes Athollie filius dicte Katerine est filius et heres predicti David nuper Comitis. Et est etatis xxxij annorum et amplius. " Inq., Kent, defaced. (Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. Ill, file 241, no. 4). [ex inform. G.W.Watson). C) Close Roll (*) These numbers xiii and xiv are transposed so as to enable the Earls of the Strathbogie family to be kept together. V.G. f^) See note " b " on previous page. (■') " David de Strabolgy Comes Athollie. " Writs of diem cl. ext. 1 5 Oct. 43 Edw. III. Inq., Norfolk and Kent, 22 Oct., 8 Nov. 1369. " Et dicunt quod pre- dictus comes obiit x die Octobris ultimo preterite. Et quod Elizabetha et Philippa filie predicti comitis sunt filie et heredes ejusdem comitis propinquiores et quod Elizabetha fuit etatis vij annorum primo die Martii ultimo preterito et quod Philippa soror ejus fuit etatis vj annorum xxj die Martii ultimo preterito. " Inq. co. Lincoln, 6 Dec. 1369. " Et [dicunt] quod idem Comes obiit die mercurii proximo ante festum sancti Edwardi Confessoris [10 Oct.] anno supradicto. Et quod Elizabetha filia predicti Comitis etatis septem annorum videlicet die martis proximo post festum Conversionis sancti Pauli [30 Jan.] anno supradicto et Philippa soror predicte Elizabethe etatis sex annorum videlicet die mercurii proximo post festum Annunciationis beate Marie Virginis [28 Mar.] anno supradicto sunt propinquiores heredes predicti comitis. " Inq., Northumberland, 18, 20 Jan. 1369/70. (Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. Ill, file 241, no. 4). Dugdale gives the date of the Earl's death, incorrectly, as 10 Oct. 49 Edw. Ill, doubtless owing to the fact that the inquisitions on the Earl, his wife, and his mother, were all mixed up together in Dugdale's time : they are so still, {ex inform. G.W. Watson). V.G. C') He left 2 daughters his coheirs, (i) Elizabeth. Having proved her age, she had livery, 2 July 1376, of her lands in Kent, Wilts, and Norfolk. {Close Roll, 50 Edw. Ill, pars i, m. 2). She m., istly, in 1376 or 1377, Sir Thomas Percy (2nd s.