Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/360

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3IO COMPLETE PEERAGE atholl soon after 13 14, in Scotland by the Strathbogie family (though acknow- ledged more than 60 years later, in England) was re-granted by the Scottish Kings as under.] XIll. * 1320 ? I. Sir John Campbell, of Moulin, 2nd s. of Sir Niel to C, of Lochow (to whom and to his wife the forfeited 1333. estates of the Earl of Atholl [S.] had been granted), being (by his mother Mary, sister of Robert Bruce) cousin to David II, was by him cr. EARL OF ATHOLL [S.]. He m. Joan, widow of Malise, Earl of Strathern [S.], da. of Sir John Menteith. He d. s.p., aged about 20, being slain at the Scots defeat on Halidon hill, 19 July 1333, when the title became extinct. His widow m. (dispensation dat. II July 1339) Sir Maurice Moray, of Drumsargard, who had the Earldom of Strathern conferred on him in 1343/4, and who d. 1 7 Oct. 1 346. She ;«., 4thly, before Nov. 1347, William (Sutherland), 4th Earl of Sutherland, who d. 1370. She was living 1367. XV. 1341. I. Sir William Douglas, of Liddesdale, known as " the Flower of Chivalry, " s. and h. of Sir James Doug- las, of Lothian (ancestor of the Earls of Morton [S.]), was cr. EARL OF ATHOLL [S.], 18 July 1341, and almost immediately afterwards resigned that Earldom, at Aberdeen, in favour of Robert Stewart, the High Steward [S.]. He obtained lands from the Grahames, and is usually said to have m. Margaret, sister and coh. of John Graham, of Dalkeith and Abercorn. He m. Elizabeth. (") Having entailed (under the style of " Dominus Vallis de Lydel "), on 3 Nov. 1351, his lands of Liddesdale on the sons of his br., John Douglas, he d. s.p.m., in Aug. 1353, being assassinated by his kinsman, William (Douglas), ist Earl of Douglas [S.]. His widow Elizabeth m. Hugh Dacre. (") XVI. 1342 I. Robert Stewart, High Steward of Scotland, s. to and h. of Walter S., also High Steward, by Marjory (who 1371. d. 1316), 1st da. of Robert I, King of Scotland, was b. 2 Mar. 1316, sue. his father 9 Apr. 1327, and was in command at Halidon hill, 19 July 1333, in consequence of which his estates were forfeited and conferred, by Balliol, on David (of Strathbogie), Earl of Atholl. From 1338 to 1341 he was Regent of Scotland, and, on 16 Feb. 1341/2, was cr. EARL OF ATHOLL [S.] on the resignation of William Douglas, Earl of Atholl [S.], as mentioned above. From 1346 to 1357, during the imprisonment of David II in England, he was again Regent [S.]. In 1358 he was cr. EARL OF STRATHERN [S.]. On 22 Feb. 1370/1 he sue. his uncle, David II, as KING OF SCOTLAND, under the name of ROBERT II, when his Dignities became (apparently) (») See note <' • " p. 308. {*) New Faedera, vol. iii, pt. i, p. 304. V.G.