Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/364

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314 COMPLETE PEERAGE atholl XXIII. 1542. 4. John (Stewart), Earl of Atholl [S.], s. and h. by 1st wife. He was a zealous Roman Catholic. P.C. [S.] 1 56 1. In 1576 he opposed the Regent Morton, but on 29 Mar. 1578 was made Chancellor [S.], and so remained till his death. Being reconciled to the Regent, he was feasted by him in Apr. 1579, at Stirling, but d. a few days afterwards, not without suspicion of poison. He »;., istly, before 26 May 1547, Elizabeth, ist da. of George (Gordon), 4th Earl of HuNTLY [S.], by Elizabeth, ist da. of Robert Keith, styled Lord Keith. She d. s.p.m.y before 1557. He w., 2ndly, (cont. dat. r Apr. 1557) Mar- garet, widow of Robert Graham, styled Lord Graham, and later of Thomas Erskine {styled Master of Erskine), da. of Malcolm (Fleming), 3rd Lord Fleming [S.], by Joan Stewart, illegit. da. of James IV. She was thought to possess powers of incantation. The Earl d. as above related, at " Kin- corne " J Kincardine], the house of the Earl of Montrose, 24 Apr., and was bur. 4 July 1579, in St. Giles's Church, Edinburgh. M.I. Will pr. 26 Dec. 1580, at Edinburgh. His widow was living 15 Aug. 1584. XXIV. 1579 5. John (Stewart), Earl of Atholl [S.], only s. and to h. by 2nd wife, b. 22 May 1563, at Dunkeld, served h. 1595. to his father 5 May 1579. P.C. [S.] 1590. He »;., 24 Jan. 1579/80, at Perth, Mary, ist da. of William (Ruthven), 1st Earl of Gowrie [S.], by Dorothea, 2nd da. of Henry (Stewart), Lord Methven [S.]. He d. s.p.m., and in embarrassed circumstances, 25 Aug. 1 595, at Perth, aged 32, when the Earldom (according to the charter of 1 480/1) reverted to the Crown. His widow m. John (Stewart), cr. Earl of Atholl [S.] in 1596, as below. XXV. 1596. t. John (Stewart), Lord Innermeath [S.], s. and h. of James S. (*) 5th Lord I., by Helen, da. of James (Ogilvy), 3rd Lord Ogilvy of Airlie [S.], was b. about 1566, sue. his father in or before May 1579, and was cr., 6 Mar. 1595/6, EARL OF ATHOLL [S.], with rem. to the heirs male of his body. He w., istly, (cont. dat. 6 Oct. 1580) Margaret (dowry 9500 marks), 2nd da. of David (Lindsay), 9th Earl of Crawford [S.], by his 2nd wife, Catharine, da. of Sir John Campbell, of Lorn. She was living 16 June 1589. He »»., 2ndly, (cont. dat. 31 Mar. 1596) Mary, Dowager Countess of Atholl [S.] abovenamed, but by her had no issue. He d. at Kincardine, in Strathern, 1603, between Aug. and Oct., aged about 37. His widow w., before 30 Aug. 1613, James Stewart, son of James, Master of Buchan. XXVI. 1603 2. John (Stewart), Earl of Atholl and Lord to Innermeath [S.], only s. and h., by ist wife, served h. to 1625. his father 29 July 1609. He m. (cont. dat. 12 Sep. 1603) (*) This James Stewart was great-grandson of Thomas, 2nd Lord Innermeath (killed at Flodden 15 13), who was great-grandson of Sir John S. of the same, "Lord of Lorn, " who (by his s. Sir James S. " the Black Knight of Lorn") was grandfather of John Stewart, cr. Earl of Atholl [S.] in 1457 as above stated.