Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/371

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ATHOLL COMPLETE PEERAGE 321 of Stanley, co. Gloucester, and EARL STRANGE. On 4 Feb. 1793 he was made Capt. Gen. and Gov. in Chief of the Isle of Man. Lord Lieut, of CO. Perth 1794 till death ; P.C. 28 June 1797 ; Col. of the Perthshire Militia 1798. K.T. 4Apr. 1800. Rep. Peer [S.] 1780-86. On 13 Oct. 1805 he sue. his mother in the BARONY OF STRANGE. In 1781 he presented a petition praying for a bill to amend the provisions of the Act of 1765, as having been unjust to his family in the inadequate allowance granted for the sale of the Isle of Man. This bill, though it passed the Commons, was lost in the House of Lords. In 1790 he renewed the same, but it was postponed. In 1805 however, on a third petition, it was carried, after great opposition, and one fourth of the customs of the island was settled on him and on the heirs general of James (Stanley), 7th Earl of Derby. (") This fourth, however, he appears to have resigned subse- quently for ;^ 409,000. Pres. of the Highland and Agric. Soc. [S.] 1 807-1 1. He m., istly, at her father's house in Grosvenor Place, St. Geo., Han. Sq., 26 Dec. 1774, Jane, ist da. of Charles (Cathcart), 9th Lord Cathcart [S.], by Jean, da. of Lord Archibald Hamilton. She, who was b. in London 20 May 1754, d. in Hanover Sq., 5, and was bur. 30 Dec. 1790, at Dunkeld Cathedral, in her 37th year. He w., 2ndly, 1 1 Mar. 1794, at St. Marylebone, (spec, lie.) Margery, widow of John Mackenzie {styled Lord Macleod), ist da. of James (Forbes), i6th Lord Forbes [S.], by Catharine, da. of Sir Robert Innes, Bart. [S.]. He d. 29 Sep. 1830, at St. Adamnan's Cottage, Dunkeld, aged 75, and was bur. there. Will pr. July 1 83 1. His widow d. s.p.s., 3 Oct. 1842. DUKEDOM [S.] V. MARQUESSATE [S.] VI. 5, 6, 7 or 12. John (Murray), Duke of Atholl, &'c. [S.], also Earl Strange, Lord Strange and Baron Murray, s. and h., b. 26 June 1830. at Dunkeld, and bap. there 17 July 1778. Ed. at Eton. Ensign 6 ist Regt. 1797. He was of unsound mind in 1 798, and is said to have been a Whig in politics. (") He d. unm., in Greville Place, St. John's Wood, Midx., 14, and was bur. 26 Sep. 1846, at Dunkeld, aged 68. EARLDOM [S.] XXXIII. C) The three daughters and coheirs of Ferdinando (Stanley), 5th Earl of Derby (who d. s.p.m. in 1594), were the heirs gen. of (the grantee) Sir John Stanley, to whom the Sovereignty of the Isle of Man had been granted in 1404. They are said _hut query] to have sold their rights to their uncle William, the 6th Earl (i 594-1 642), whose s. and h. was James, 7th Earl, abovementioned, to whose heirs gen. {not to the heirs gen. of the Royal grantee) the above compensation was made. See, as to the service by which this island was held, Taylor's GUry of Regality, p. 1^^. C) Moss's Pari. Guide, 1 841. He, however, never voted on any matter of importance, and probably never took his seat, and why he should be so labelled, the Editor does not know. V.G. 42