Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/381

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AUBiGNY COMPLETE PEERAGE 331 16 1 9, at March House, Drury Lane. He was ed. at Port-Royal des Champs and took Orders, being appointed Abbe of Haute Fontaine and a canon of N6tre Dame at Paris. He did homage for the Seigneurie of Aubigny to Louis XIV, 5 Aug. or 20 Nov. 1656. (*) He was Chief Almoner to the Queen Dowager of England. Hed'. 11 [not 3] Nov. 1665, a few days after he was nom. a Cardinal, at Paris, and was bur. there in the Church of the Chartreux. M.I. Admon. 3 Apr. 1666, to Charles, Duke of Richmond and Lennox, the nephew by the br. This was revoked, and will pr. May 1666. II. Charles Stuart, Seigneur d' Aubigny, nephew of the above, being only s. and h. of George, Seigneur d' Aubigny above-named. He was b. 7 Mar. 1638/9, in London. On 10 Dec. 1645 he was cr. Earl OF Lichfield, ^c, (^) and, 10 Aug. 1660, sue. his cousin as Duke of Richmond, ^c. [E.],and Duke of Lennox, i^c. [S.]. After much negotia- tion he was recognised as Seigneur d'Aubigny by decree dat. 31 Dec. 1668, and did homage, by proxy, for that Seigneurie, to Louis XIV, II May 1670. (°) He d. s.p. 12 Dec. 1672. See "Richmond," Dukedom of, cr. 1641, under the 3rd Duke. [On the death, 12 Dec. 1672, of the Duke of Richmond, above- named, Charles II and his br. James were the only remaining descendants in the male line of Sir John Stewart, the grantee of Aubigny in 1422/3. Charles II claimed the seigneurie, but Louis XIV declined to admit that a King of England could hold land in France. As a compromise, he made C) In the instrument of homage (according to A.Stuart, p. 277, who dates it 20 Nov. 1656) he is stated to have sue. to Aubigny by the decease of his brothers, Henry, George, John, and Bernard. The two latter were junior to him, being b. in 1 62 1, and 1622 or 3, respectively. The date of the homage, according to the subsequent aveu (vifhich was signed by Ludovic, 26 Sep./6 Oct. 1 661), was 5 Aug. 1656. (Addit. MSS., no. 21949, f. 8). There is a charter, dated 16 Sep. 1634, of " George Stuart Seigneur d'Aubigny etc. tant en nostre nom que comme ayant attraict le bail de Ludovic, Jean, et Bernard Stuart nos freres coheritiers de feu messire Henry Stuart nostre frere vivant chivallier seigneur dudict Aubigny etc. " Signed, " Ge. dAubigny. Ludovic Stuart. " (Addit. Charter, no. 13335). C") He was styled " Lord Stuart, Lord Aubigny " in the letters of admon. to his father and to his uncles, John and Bernard, all bearing date 6 June 1650, his title of Earl of Lichfield, etc., not being recognised either then or in the letters of admon. of 1647 ; Pari, having declared, on 11 Nov. 1643, that all patents and grants passed since 22 May 1642 were void. A subsequent Act of Pari., 4 Feb. 165 I, enacted that all the honours granted by Charles I since 4 Jan. 164 1/2 were void. These enact- ments are the cause of great confusion in the nomenclature of several of the Royalists during the Commonwealth period, many Peerages, Baronetcies, and Knighthoods, having been conferred by the King subsequent to these two dates. G.E.C. C") A.Stuart, p. 280. Not 11 Mar., the date given in The Stuarts of Aubigny, and elsewhere. This homage was registered at the Chambre des Cornptes at Paris by the Duke's agent 17 May 1670. (See this agent's letters (originals) in Addit. MSS., no. 21949, ff. 146-148).