Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/387

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AUDLEY COMPLETE PEERAGE 337 1. Henry of Aldithley, (") 2nd () s. of Adam (") of A., (who d. between 1203 and 12 1 1) by Emma, da. of Ralf fitz Orm ; was b. about I 175 ; with his father, he was witness to a charter of Harvey Bagot in 1 194. He bought large estates from Eleanor Malbanlc in 1214 ; in 1227 he acquired the manors of Edgmund and Newport, and in 1230 that of Ford, all in Salop, and all held by him direct from the Crown, though not by military or knight service. () He was Under Sheriff of Salop and co. Stafford 1217-20, and Sheriff 1227-32 ; was in command of the Welsh Marches 1223-46. He built the castle of Heleigh, co. Stafford; and Red Castle, Salop. In 1223 he founded Hulton Abbey. He was appointed Custodian of Chester and Beeston Castle, 22 June 1237, on the extinction of the then earldom of Chester. He w., in 12 17, Bertred, da. of Ralf Mainwaring, Seneschal of Chester. He d. in 1246, shortly before Nov. His widow was living in 1249. 2. James of Aldithley, ist or 2nd (') s. and h., b. about 1220. Keeper of the castle of Newcastle-under-Lyme, 30 Oct. 1250. He joined in a letter of the Barons to the Pope in 1258. Witnessed, as one of the King's sworn Council, the confirmation by Henry III of the Pro- visions of Oxford, 1258 ; Lord Marcher; Sheriff of Salop, and co. Staff., very erroneous. This article has been re-written with the kind help of Josiah Wedgwood M.P. For further information on the Audleys see his valuable account in Hist. Coll. Staff, vol. ix, N.S., pp. 245-68. See also Order of the Garter, by G.F.Beltz, Lancaster Herald, 1841, p. 81 ; Nichols' Herald and Genealogist, 1870, vol. V, p. 63 ; J. H. Round's Peerage and Pedigree ; and Genealogist, O.S., vol. vi, pp. 16-19, in connection with the Lords Martin. V.G. C) Henry of Aldithley seals in 1233 with a shield of Fretty, with a quarter charged with a cross formy. His son and heir, James, and his heirs after him, bore Gules fretted with gold, the quarter and the cross disappearing. The fret is derived from the arms of the Verdons, over-lords of the earlier Audleys. Hugh Audley, of Stratton Audley, differenced the arms of his father with a blue label. Hugh Audley, Earl of Gloucester, would seem to have borne a silver border as his difference. The Tuchets, Lords Audley, quartered the arms of Audley with Ermine, a cheveron gules. Thicknesse, the last heir of the old Audley barony, bore, for Thicknesse, Silver, a cheveron sable, fretted gold, with a scythe-blade gules in the chief, {ex inform. Oswald Barron.) V.G. ('*) His elder br. Adam, who was sometime constable to Hugh (de Lacy), Earl of Ulster [I.], d. s.p. in or shortly before 12 12, having surv. his father. V.G. Q This Adam appears to have been s. of Liulf, s. of Liulf, who had a grant of the manors of Aldithley (or Audley), Talke, &c. co. Staff, temp. Stephen, from Nicholas de Verdun. See Charter Roll oi 1 227, which disproves the allegation that this grant was made by Henry I to Adam, the supposed father of the last named Liulf. See J.H. Round's Peerage and Pedigree, where the matter is discussed. V.G. (■') There does not seem to be any evidence as to when, if ever, he became a Baron by tenure, and his ancestors of the 3 previous generations did not even hold any lands incapite,znd were not Barons by tenure, though sometimes so described. V.G. C^) His br. (very possibly his elder br.) Ralf d. v.p. and s.p.y before 1240. V.G. 44