Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/393

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AUDLEY COMPLETE PEERAGE 343 IX 1557 9. George (Tuchet), Lord Audley, s. and h., sum. to Pari, and took his seat the same day, 20 Jan. 1557/8. (") He w., istly, Elizabeth, da. of Sir Brian Tuke, Treasurer of the Chamber to Henry VIII, by Grizel, da. of Nicholas Boughton, of Woolwich. C") He »7., 2ndly, 23 Jan. 1559/60, at his Oratory in Chester, (Lie. Bp. of London, 22 Jan. 1559/60) Joan Platt, of St. Andrew's, Eastcheap, London, widow. He was bur. 3 July 1560, at St. Margaret's, Westm. Admon. 9 Sep. 1560 to Joan, the relict. X. 1560. 10. Henry (Tuchet), Lord Audley, s. and h. by ist wife. He was never sum. to Pari. He m. Elizabeth, da. of Sir William Sneyd, of Bradwell, co. Stafford, by his ist wife, Anne, da. and h. of Thomas Barrowe, of Flookersbrooke, co. Chester. He d. 30 Dec. 1563, and was bur. 5 Jan. 1563/4, at Betley. His widow d. at Thelwall, co. Chester, Dec. 1609, and was bur. 4 Jan. 1609/10, at Grappen- hall, in that co. XL 1563. II. George (Tuchet), Lord Audley, s. and h., sum, to Pari. 30 Sep. 1566 to 5 Apr. 16 14. On 6 Sep. 1616 he was a: BARON AUDLEY OF ORIER, co. Armagh, and EARL OF CASTLEHAVEN, co. Cork [I.]. He d. 1617. XII. 1617 12. Mervin (Tuchet), Earl OF Castlehaven, to i^c. [I.] ; also Lord Audley [E.], s. and h. He 1 63 1. was attainted of felony and beheaded^ 14 May 163 1, when his English Peerage (being descendible to heir$ gen.) became forfeited, and the Irish titles (though in tail) appear (in error) to have been likewise so considered. (°) 13. James (Tuchet), Earl of Castlehaven [I.], i^c, s. and h., Baron Audley of Hely [E.], to him and his heirs forever, by letters patent 3 June 1633, with the ' place and precedency of George, his grandfather, formerly Baron Audley of Hely. ' () After this restoration he was allowed in the House of Lords the precedency of the ancient Barony of Audley, but such allowance appears to have been made in error, as the Crown (alone) has not the power of restoring a for- feited Peerage, and " it is clear that in former instances it had been considered that the authority of the Legislature was necessary to restore a dignity lost by attainder." This authority was accordingly [I- 1633.] XIII. 1678. o > < u ., Sj^ 3 '^ u o C) There is proof in the rolls of Pari, of his sitting. C*) Query if she be not the ' Isabel Audley ' bur. 28 June 1554, at St. Marga- ret's, Westm. V.G. C^) See Courthope, p. Ixviii, in the Observations on Dignities, where, however, it is erroneously stated that his s. and h. was again cr. Earl of Castlehaven [I.]. See note 5ul> George, Earl of Castlehaven [1616]. (") See App. to 47th Rep., Dep. Keeper of Records.