Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/397

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Q „ s: cs o >-o b. ,^ b. < '■«  f- i? C/1 "^ OJ '^ lU <fl 1^ 4-* W-, d rn 3 i-H o <-> k Vi n e fi -! -a "-t- u O U^ AUDLEY COMPLETE PEERAGE 347 II. 1347. 2. MARGARET,d'(?y«r^, apparently j»oy«re Baron- ' ESS AuDLEY, da. and h., m., probably in 1335/6, Ralph Stafford, afterwards Lord Stafford and Earl of Stafford. She il between 1347/8 and 13 50/1. He ^. 31 Aug. 1372. III. 1350. 3. Sir Ralph Stafford, </^y«rd' Lord Audley, s. and h. of his mother. He d. s.p., v.p., about 1358- IV. 1358 ? 4. Hugh (Stafford), de jure Lord Audley, br. and h. On 31 Aug. 1372, being then aged 28 years, he sue. his father as Earl of Stafford, i^c., with which titles the Barony of Audley is presumed to have been merged, till, on the attainder in 1483 of Henry (Stafford), 2nd Duke of Bucking- ham (and 7th Earl Stafford), it vfz% forfeited, and though his son, in I486, was restored to all his father's honours, they were again forfeited, in 1 521, on the attainder of that Nobleman. AUDLEY (of Stratton Audley) BARONY I. Hugh Audley, of Stratton Audley, Oxon, yst. s. BY WRIT. of James Audley or Aldithley, of Heleigh, co. Stafford, (») , by Ela, da. of William Longespee ; was b. c. 1267, and ob- •^ tained from his mother, soon after her husband's death, a reversionary grant, (1272-73) i Edw. I, of Stratton Aud- ■^ ^ ley, afsd., which had been her inheritance. C") He was in ^ the French wars, 1294, i^c; a prisoner in France 2 Apr. ^ ' 1299 ; in the Scottish wars, 1 299-1 302, and again 1313 ; he was in Gascony in 1304/5 ; Justice of North Wales 1306 ; and was Governor of Montgomery Castle, 1309. He was sum. to Pari. 15 iVIay (132 1) 14 Edw. II, the writ being directed Hugoni de Audele seniori, to distinguish him from his 2nd s., Hugh Audley, Junior, who had been so sum. in 1317.(0 In 132 1/2 he joined the insurrection of the Earl of Lancaster, but surrendered before the battle of Boroughbridge, 1 6 Mar. 132 1/2, C^) and was confined in Wallingford Castle. He m., before 7 Jan. 1293, and probably in 1288, Isolt, widow of Sir Walter de Balun, of Much Marcle, co. Hereford (who was living and m. to her in 1286/7), da. of Sir Edmund de Mortimer, {") of Wigmore, co. Hereford, by Margaret, da. of Sir William de Fiennes. She brought him the manors of Eastington, {") See ante, p. 337. (*■) See ante, p. 338, note " a. " C^) See previous page. C) For an account of the battle of Boroughbridge, 16 Mar. 132 1/2, see vol. ii. Appendix C. V.G. C) Her father, Edmund de Mortimer of Wigmore, by charter, undated, gave to her and Walter de Balun, her husband, the manor of Arley, co. Stafford, for life. (Addit. MSS., no 5485, f. 160). On 12 Apr. 1326, she (again) had livery of this manor. {Close Roll, 1 9 Edw. II, m. 8). {ex inform. G. W. Watson). V.G.