Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/408

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358 COMPLETE PEERAGE aumale fro hem and her heirs thes names that thei have nowe os dukes and the worship and the dignite therof. " (") On i Aug. 1402 he sue. his father as DuK.E OF York, and in May 1414 was, in Pari., restored " a lestat noun fame et honour auxi entierment et pleinement come lavoit devaunt le juggement envers luy renduz " in 1399. C") He d. s.p.^ being slain at the battle of Agincourt, 25 Oct. 141 5. See "York," Dukedom of, under the 2nd Duke. EARLDOM. I. Thomas of Lancaster, 2nd s. of Henry IV, was, on J j^ 9 July 1412, cr. EARL OF AUMALE and Duke of ^ Clarence. (^) He d. s.p., being slain at the battle of Bauge, 22 Mar. 1 420/1, when all his honours became ■" ■ extinct. See " Clarence, " Dukedom of, cr. 1412. 1. Richard (Beauchamp), xiiith Earl of Warwick, received a grant, 19 May 141 9, of the Comte of Aumale to him and the heirs male of his body. He d'. 30 Apr. 1439.0 See "Warwick," Earldom of, under the xiiith Earl. 2. Henry (Beauchamp), Earl of Warwick and Count of Au- male, (') only s. and h., b. 22 Mar. 1424/5. On 5 Apr. 1445, he was cr. Duke of Warwick. He d. s.p.m., 11 June 1446, ('^) when the title of Count of Aumale became extinct. See " Warwick, " Dukedom of, cr. 1445. (») Pari. Roll (Placita Corone), i Hen. IV, m. 2, no. 10. The judgment was pronounced " die lune proxima post festum Omnium Sanctorum " [Chron. Mon. S. dlbani, vol. iv, p. 314), or " Monday the morowe after alle Sowlyn day " [Chron. of London, edit. Kingsford, p. 58), i.e., 3 Nov. {") Pari. Roll, 2 Hen. V, pars ,m. 7, no. 9. But " purveu toutfoitz que icestes presentz declaracion et restitucion ne tournent ne se extendent en prejudice de Roi ne en prejudice et disheritans des autres seignurs nautres persones en nulle manere, " and therefore excluding the restoration of the title of Aumale, which had already been bestowed elsewhere. C^) "... ipsum filium nostrum primo in Comitem Albe Marlie et exinde in Ducem Clarencie ereximus. " {Charter Roll, 13 and 14 Hen. IV, m. 3, no. 3). () The full text of the letters patent — which have hitherto escaped research — is given in Appendix J to this volume. (') His style in a charter, 27 Mar. i Hen. VI, is " Ricardus de Bello Campo Comes Warrewichie et Albemarlie dominus de Insula " [Inspeximus on Patent Roll, 25 Hen. VI, pars i, m. 15), and in another, 13 Mar. 1426, " Richard de beauchamp Conte de vvarrevvyk et daubmalle Seignur le despensier et de lisle " [Addit. Charters, no. 330). See also his seal, 6 Apr. 8 Hen. VI [Idem, no. 20432). (') His style, in two charters, I and last of Feb. 23 Hen. VI, is " Henricus de bello Campo primus Comes regni Anglie Comes Warrewic' et Albemarlie ac dominus le Despencer dominus de Bergevenny Glomorgan et Morgannolc. " {Inspeximus on Patent Roll, 27 Hen. VI, pars 2, m. 23). C^ Writs of diem ci. ext. 16 June and 12 July 24 Hen. VI. " obiit die sabbati xj" die Junii anno xxiiij'". " (Ch. Inq. p. m.. Hen. VI, file 123, no. 43).