Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/413

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AvoNMORE COMPLETE PEERAGE 363 Medal and clasp for Inkermann and Sebastopol. Knight of the Turkish order of Medjidie, 5th class, but was " suspended from all military duties " Mar. i86i.() He m., 26 June 1858, at Trinity (Episcopal) Chapel, Edinburgh, Emily Marianne, widow of Edward Forbes, F.R.S., F.G.S., fci'c., and yst. da. of Major Gen. Sir Charles Ashworth, K.C.B. He d. I Apr. 1883, at Biarritz, aged 58. His widow d. there 28 Nov. 1909. Will pr. 7 June 19 10, at £ 4,633. V. 1883. 5. Barry Nugent (Yelverton), Viscount AvoNMORE, &'c. [I.], s. and h., l>. 11 Feb. 1859. Ed. at the Royal Military Coll. Sandhurst ; 2nd Lieut. 37th Foot, Jan. 1878 ; Lieut., Feb. 1879 ; Instructor of Musketry, Jan. 1882 ; Capt., Nov. 1884. He ^. unm., 13 Feb. 1885, aged 26, of enteric fever (when on service) at Kerb- ekan, in the Soudan war. VL 1885. 6. Algernon William (Yelverton), Viscount Avon- more [1800], and Lord Yelverton, Baron Avonmore [1795], all in the Peerage of Ireland, yst. but only surv. br. and h., l>. 19 Nov. 1866. He m.y 17 Dec. 1890, at St. Anne's, Dungannon, co. Tyrone, Mabel Sarah, 2nd da. of George Evans, of Gortmerron, in that at Hangle Park, co. Mayo. (2) George Frederick William Y., b. 7 Mar. 18 18, sometime in the 64th reg., m., 12 Feb. 1857, Louisa Lenox, da. of Guy Lenox Prendergast, but d. v.p. and s.p., 26 Feb. i860, aged 41, at Ennismore House, Kingstown. V.G. (") This was owing to the scandal occasioned by the trial, which lasted ten days (21 Feb. to 4 Mar. 1861) in the Court of Common Pleas [I.], of " Thelwall V. yelverton, " wherein the actual cause of action was for ^^259 supplied by the plaintiff for the use of the wife of the defendant, but the real question at issue was whether or no the lady in question was legally such wife. Her maiden name was Maria Theresa Longworth, of Smedley, co. Lancaster, she being the yst. da. of a silk merchant in Manchester, deceased. She was b. at Chetwood, in that co., ed. at a convent in France, and brought up as a Roman Catholic. Having joined the French Sisters of Charity to attend the sick at the Hospital of Galata, during the Russian war, she there received an ofiFer of marriage from Major Yelverton (early in 1857), and shortly afterwards he " performed the ceremony " by reading the marriage service of the Church of England at Edinburgh. On 15 Aug. 1857 the marriage was cele- rated by a Roman Catholic Priest at Rostrevor in the north of Ireland, after which they travelled on the Continent together as husband and wife. Though by act of Pari. (19 Geo. II, cap. 13) it is enacted "that a marriage between a Roman Catholic and a Protestant, if celebrated by a Roman Catholic priest, shall be deemed null and void, " the jury found not only that the Scotch marriage was valid, but that the one in Ireland was good also, finding that Major Yelverton was a Roman Catholic. This decision was received by the populace with the greatest applause. — See an interesting account of the celebrated trial in the Annual Register for 186 1. See also N. is Q., 5th Ser., vol. ii, p. 466, and 9th Ser., vol. vi, p. 229. On appeal, however, this decision was not sustained, and, on 28 July 1864, and finally, 30 July 1867, the illegality of these marriages was decided by the House of Lords, whereby the validity of this scoundrel's marriage in 1858 (as in the text) became established. Miss Longworth d. Sep. 1881, at Pietermaritzburg.